完成翻译什么是 Druid 的内容

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YuCheng Hu 2021-07-22 14:43:17 -04:00
parent feaad880e1
commit bfae313cf8
1 changed files with 40 additions and 68 deletions

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@ -3,81 +3,53 @@
## 什么是 Druid
Apache Druid is a real-time analytics database designed for fast slice-and-dice analytics
("[OLAP](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Online_analytical_processing)" queries) on large data sets. Druid is most often
used as a database for powering use cases where real-time ingest, fast query performance, and high uptime are important.
As such, Druid is commonly used for powering GUIs of analytical applications, or as a backend for highly-concurrent APIs
that need fast aggregations. Druid works best with event-oriented data.
Apache Druid 是一个实时分析型数据库,旨在对大型数据集进行快速查询和分析("[OLAP](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Online_analytical_processing)" 查询)。
Common application areas for Druid include:
Druid 最常被当做数据库,用以支持实时摄取、高查询性能和高稳定运行的应用场景。
例如Druid 通常被用来作为图形分析工具的数据源来提供数据,或当有需要高聚和高并发的后端 API。
同时 Druid 也非常适合针对面向事件类型的数据。
- Clickstream analytics (web and mobile analytics)
- Network telemetry analytics (network performance monitoring)
- Server metrics storage
- Supply chain analytics (manufacturing metrics)
- Application performance metrics
- Digital marketing/advertising analytics
- Business intelligence / OLAP
通常可以使用 Druid 作为数据源的系统包括有:
- 点击流量分析Web 或者移动分析)
- 网络监测分析(网络性能监控)
- 服务器存储指标
- 供应链分析(生产数据指标)
- 应用性能指标
- 数字广告分析
- 商业整合 / OLAP
Druid's core architecture combines ideas from data warehouses, timeseries databases, and logsearch systems. Some of
Druid's key features are:
Druid 的核心架构集合了数据仓库data warehouses时序数据库timeseries databases日志分析系统logsearch systems的概念。
1. **Columnar storage format.** Druid uses column-oriented storage, meaning it only needs to load the exact columns
needed for a particular query. This gives a huge speed boost to queries that only hit a few columns. In addition, each
column is stored optimized for its particular data type, which supports fast scans and aggregations.
2. **Scalable distributed system.** Druid is typically deployed in clusters of tens to hundreds of servers, and can
offer ingest rates of millions of records/sec, retention of trillions of records, and query latencies of sub-second to a
few seconds.
3. **Massively parallel processing.** Druid can process a query in parallel across the entire cluster.
4. **Realtime or batch ingestion.** Druid can ingest data either real-time (ingested data is immediately available for
querying) or in batches.
5. **Self-healing, self-balancing, easy to operate.** As an operator, to scale the cluster out or in, simply add or
remove servers and the cluster will rebalance itself automatically, in the background, without any downtime. If any
Druid servers fail, the system will automatically route around the damage until those servers can be replaced. Druid
is designed to run 24/7 with no need for planned downtimes for any reason, including configuration changes and software
6. **Cloud-native, fault-tolerant architecture that won't lose data.** Once Druid has ingested your data, a copy is
stored safely in [deep storage](architecture.html#deep-storage) (typically cloud storage, HDFS, or a shared filesystem).
Your data can be recovered from deep storage even if every single Druid server fails. For more limited failures affecting
just a few Druid servers, replication ensures that queries are still possible while the system recovers.
7. **Indexes for quick filtering.** Druid uses [Roaring](https://roaringbitmap.org/) or
[CONCISE](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1004.0403) compressed bitmap indexes to create indexes that power fast filtering and
searching across multiple columns.
8. **Time-based partitioning.** Druid first partitions data by time, and can additionally partition based on other fields.
This means time-based queries will only access the partitions that match the time range of the query. This leads to
significant performance improvements for time-based data.
9. **Approximate algorithms.** Druid includes algorithms for approximate count-distinct, approximate ranking, and
computation of approximate histograms and quantiles. These algorithms offer bounded memory usage and are often
substantially faster than exact computations. For situations where accuracy is more important than speed, Druid also
offers exact count-distinct and exact ranking.
10. **Automatic summarization at ingest time.** Druid optionally supports data summarization at ingestion time. This
summarization partially pre-aggregates your data, and can lead to big costs savings and performance boosts.
Druid 的一些关键特性包括有:
1. **列示存储格式Columnar storage format** Druid 使用列式存储,这意味着在一个特定的数据查询中它只需要查询特定的列。
Apache Druid是一个实时分析型数据库旨在对大型数据集进行快速的查询分析"[OLAP](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Online_analytical_processing)"查询)。Druid最常被当做数据库来用以支持实时摄取、高性能查询和高稳定运行的应用场景同时Druid也通常被用来助力分析型应用的图形化界面或者当做需要快速聚合的高并发后端APIDruid最适合应用于面向事件类型的数据。
2. **可扩展的分布式系统(Scalable distributed system)** Druid通常部署在数十到数百台服务器的集群中
并且可以提供每秒数百万级的数据导入,并且保存有万亿级的数据,同时提供 100ms 到 几秒钟之间的查询延迟。
3. **高性能并发处理Massively parallel processing** Druid 可以在整个集群中并行处理查询。
* 点击流分析Web端和移动端
* 网络监测分析(网络性能监控)
* 服务指标存储
* 供应链分析(制造类指标)
* 应用性能指标分析
* 数字广告分析
* 商务智能 / OLAP
1. **列式存储**Druid使用列式存储这意味着在一个特定的数据查询中它只需要查询特定的列这样极地提高了部分列查询场景的性能。另外每一列数据都针对特定数据类型做了优化存储从而支持快速的扫描和聚合。
2. **可扩展的分布式系统**Druid通常部署在数十到数百台服务器的集群中并且可以提供每秒数百万条记录的接收速率数万亿条记录的保留存储以及亚秒级到几秒的查询延迟。
3. **大规模并行处理**Druid可以在整个集群中并行处理查询。
4. **实时或批量摄取**Druid可以实时已经被摄取的数据可立即用于查询或批量摄取数据。
5. **自修复、自平衡、易于操作**作为集群运维操作人员要伸缩集群只需添加或删除服务集群就会在后台自动重新平衡自身而不会造成任何停机。如果任何一台Druid服务器发生故障系统将自动绕过损坏。 Druid设计为7*24全天候运行无需出于任何原因而导致计划内停机包括配置更改和软件更新。
6. **不会丢失数据的云原生容错架构**一旦Druid摄取了数据副本就安全地存储在[深度存储介质](Design/../chapter-1.md)通常是云存储HDFS或共享文件系统中。即使某个Druid服务发生故障也可以从深度存储中恢复您的数据。对于仅影响少数Druid服务的有限故障副本可确保在系统恢复时仍然可以进行查询。
7. **用于快速过滤的索引**Druid使用[CONCISE](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1004.0403.pdf)或[Roaring](https://roaringbitmap.org/)压缩的位图索引来创建索引,以支持快速过滤和跨多列搜索。
8. **基于时间的分区**Druid首先按时间对数据进行分区另外同时可以根据其他字段进行分区。这意味着基于时间的查询将仅访问与查询时间范围匹配的分区这将大大提高基于时间的数据的性能。
9. **近似算法**Druid应用了近似count-distinct近似排序以及近似直方图和分位数计算的算法。这些算法占用有限的内存使用量通常比精确计算要快得多。对于精度要求比速度更重要的场景Druid还提供了精确count-distinct和精确排序。
10. **摄取时自动汇总聚合**Druid支持在数据摄取阶段可选地进行数据汇总这种汇总会部分预先聚合您的数据并可以节省大量成本并提高性能。
4. **实时或者批量数据处理Realtime or batch ingestion** Druid 可以实时(已经被导入和摄取的数据可立即用于查询)导入摄取数据库或批量导入摄取数据。
5. **自我修复、自我平衡、易于操作Self-healing, self-balancing, easy to operate** 为集群运维操作人员,要伸缩集群只需添加或删除服务,集群就会在后台自动重新平衡自身,而不会造成任何停机。
如果任何一台 Druid 服务器发生故障,系统将自动绕过损坏的节点而保持无间断运行。
Druid 被设计为 7*24 运行,无需设计任何原因的计划内停机(例如需要更改配置或者进行软件更新)。
6. **原生结合云的容错架构不丢失数据Cloud-native, fault-tolerant architecture that won't lose data** 一旦 Druid 获得了数据,那么获得的数据将会安全的保存在 [深度存储](architecture.md#deep-storage) (通常是云存储HDFS 或共享文件系统)中。
即使单个个 Druid 服务发生故障,你的数据也可以从深度存储中进行恢复。对于仅影响少数 Druid 服务的有限故障,保存的副本可确保在系统恢复期间仍然可以进行查询。
7. **针对快速过滤的索引Indexes for quick filtering** Druid 使用 [Roaring](https://roaringbitmap.org/) 或
[CONCISE](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1004.0403) 来压缩 bitmap indexes 后来创建索引,以支持快速过滤和跨多列搜索。
8. **基于时间的分区Time-based partitioning** Druid 首先按时间对数据进行分区,同时也可以根据其他字段进行分区。
9. **近似算法(Approximate algorithms)** Druid应用了近似 `count-distinct`,近似排序以及近似直方图和分位数计算的算法。
这些算法占用有限的内存使用量通常比精确计算要快得多。对于精度要求比速度更重要的场景Druid 还提供了exact count-distinct 和 exact ranking。
10. **在数据摄取的时候自动进行汇总(Automatic summarization at ingest time)** Druid 支持在数据摄取阶段可选地进行数据汇总,这种汇总会部分预先聚合您的数据,并可以节省大量成本并提高性能。
## 我应该在什么时候使用 Druid