--- id: statsd title: "StatsD Emitter" --- To use this Apache Druid extension, make sure to [include](../../development/extensions.md#loading-extensions) `statsd-emitter` extension. ## Introduction This extension emits druid metrics to a StatsD server. (https://github.com/etsy/statsd) (https://github.com/armon/statsite) ## Configuration All the configuration parameters for the StatsD emitter are under `druid.emitter.statsd`. |property|description|required?|default| |--------|-----------|---------|-------| |`druid.emitter.statsd.hostname`|The hostname of the StatsD server.|yes|none| |`druid.emitter.statsd.port`|The port of the StatsD server.|yes|none| |`druid.emitter.statsd.prefix`|Optional metric name prefix.|no|""| |`druid.emitter.statsd.separator`|Metric name separator|no|.| |`druid.emitter.statsd.includeHost`|Flag to include the hostname as part of the metric name.|no|false| |`druid.emitter.statsd.dimensionMapPath`|JSON file defining the StatsD type, and desired dimensions for every Druid metric|no|Default mapping provided. See below.| |`druid.emitter.statsd.blankHolder`|The blank character replacement as StatsD does not support path with blank character|no|"-"| |`druid.emitter.statsd.dogstatsd`|Flag to enable [DogStatsD](https://docs.datadoghq.com/developers/dogstatsd/) support. Causes dimensions to be included as tags, not as a part of the metric name. `convertRange` fields will be ignored.|no|false| |`druid.emitter.statsd.dogstatsdConstantTags`|If `druid.emitter.statsd.dogstatsd` is true, the tags in the JSON list of strings will be sent with every event.|no|[]| |`druid.emitter.statsd.dogstatsdServiceAsTag`|If `druid.emitter.statsd.dogstatsd` and `druid.emitter.statsd.dogstatsdServiceAsTag` are true, druid service (e.g. `druid/broker`, `druid/coordinator`, etc) is reported as a tag (e.g. `druid_service:druid/broker`) instead of being included in metric name (e.g. `druid.broker.query.time`) and `druid` is used as metric prefix (e.g. `druid.query.time`).|no|false| |`druid.emitter.statsd.dogstatsdEvents`|If `druid.emitter.statsd.dogstatsd` and `druid.emitter.statsd.dogstatsdEvents` are true, [Alert events](../../operations/alerts.html) are reported to DogStatsD.|no|false| ### Druid to StatsD Event Converter Each metric sent to StatsD must specify a type, one of `[timer, counter, guage]`. StatsD Emitter expects this mapping to be provided as a JSON file. Additionally, this mapping specifies which dimensions should be included for each metric. StatsD expects that metric values be integers. Druid emits some metrics with values between the range 0 and 1. To accommodate these metrics they are converted into the range 0 to 100. This conversion can be enabled by setting the optional "convertRange" field true in the JSON mapping file. If the user does not specify their own JSON file, a default mapping is used. All metrics are expected to be mapped. Metrics which are not mapped will log an error. StatsD metric path is organized using the following schema: ` : { "dimensions" : , "type" : , "convertRange" : true/false}` e.g. `query/time" : { "dimensions" : ["dataSource", "type"], "type" : "timer"}` For metrics which are emitted from multiple services with different dimensions, the metric name is prefixed with the service name. e.g. `"coordinator-segment/count" : { "dimensions" : ["dataSource"], "type" : "gauge" }, "historical-segment/count" : { "dimensions" : ["dataSource", "tier", "priority"], "type" : "gauge" }` For most use-cases, the default mapping is sufficient.