2016-06-28 12:22:26 +03:00
###The Course
The "REST With Spring" Classes: http://bit.ly/restwithspring
2016-03-16 05:26:37 -05:00
# About this project
This project contains examples from the [Introduction to Spring Data REST](http://www.baeldung.com/spring-data-rest-intro) article from Baeldung.
# Running the project
2016-03-16 05:28:04 -05:00
The application uses [Spring Boot](http://projects.spring.io/spring-boot/), so it is easy to run. You can start it any of a few ways:
2016-03-16 05:26:37 -05:00
* Run the `main` method from `SpringDataRestApplication`
* Use the Maven Spring Boot plugin: `mvn spring-boot:run`
* Package the application as a JAR and run it using `java -jar intro-spring-data-rest.jar`
# Viewing the running application
To view the running application, visit [http://localhost:8080](http://localhost:8080) in your browser
2016-10-04 15:30:35 +06:00
###Relevant Articles:
- [Guide to Spring Data REST Validators](http://www.baeldung.com/spring-data-rest-validators)
2017-03-01 22:20:07 -06:00
- [Working with Relationships in Spring Data REST](http://www.baeldung.com/spring-data-rest-relationships)