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plugins {
description = """
Demonstrates Gradle Configuraiton Avoidance API. Creates a new configuration "extralibs" to
which we add dependencies. The custom task "copyExtraLibs" copies those dependencies to a new
build directory "extra-libs". This build uses the Task Configuraion Avoidance APIs which have
been marked stable in Gradle 6.0
// extraLibs is a NamedDomainObjectProvider<Configuration!> - the Configuration object will not be
// realized until it is needed. In the meantime, the build may reference it by name
val extralibs by configurations.registering
dependencies {
// we can call without causing the extralibs to be realized
add(, "junit:junit:4.12")
// extraLibsDir is a Provider<Directory!> - the Directory object will not be realized until it is
// needed
val extraLibsDir = project.layout.buildDirectory.dir("extra-libs")
// copyExtraLibs is a TaskProvider<Copy!> - the task will not be realized until it is needed
val copyExtraLibs by tasks.registering(Copy::class) {
// the copy task's "from" and "into" APIs accept Provider types to support configuration
// avoidance
// configures the "build" task only if it needs to be {
// dependsOn accepts a TaskProvider to avoid realizing the copyExtraLibs needlessly