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## Core Java Cookbooks and Examples
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BAEL-870 README (#1810) * Add files via upload * Update pom.xml * Update RunGuice.java * Update Communication.java * Update CommunicationMode.java * Update DefaultCommunicator.java * Update EmailCommunicationMode.java * Update IMCommunicationMode.java * Update SMSCommunicationMode.java * Update MessageLogger.java * Update MessageSentLoggable.java * Update AOPModule.java * Update BasicModule.java * Update CommunicationModel.java * Update Communicator.java * Update BasicModule.java * Update RunGuice.java * Update MessageLogger.java * Update Communicator.java * Update pom.xml * BAEL-278: Updated README.md * BAEL-554: Add and update README.md files * Update pom.xml * Update pom.xml * Update pom.xml * BAEL-345: fixed assertion * BAEL-109: Updated README.md * BAEL-345: Added README.md * Reinstating reactor-core module in root-level pom * BAEL-393: Adding guide-intro module to root pom * BAEL-9: Updated README.md * BAEL-157: README.md updated * Changed project name * Update RunGuice.java Removed references to message logging and output * Update Communication.java Removed message logging-related code * BAEL-566: Updated README.md * New project name * BAEL-393: removing guice-intro directory * BAEL-393: renamed module guice-intro to guice in root pom.xml * BAEL-393 and BAEL-541 README.md files * BAEL-731: Updated README.md * BAEL-680: renamed test methods * BAEL-714: Updated README.md * BAEL-737: Updated README.md * BAEL-680 and BAEL-756 README.md updates * BAEL-666: Updated README * BAEL-415: Custom Scope * BAEL-415: Custom Scope - renamed classes to reflect TenantScope * README file updates for BAEL-723, BAEL-763, and BAEL-415 * BAEL-735: README * BAEL-567: README * BAEL-736: README * BAEL-766: Update README * BAEL-555: README update * BAEL-761: README update * BAEL-742: Stripe API for Java README file * BAEL-86: Correction to README file * BAEL-828: Updated README.md * BAEL-830: Updated README * BAEL-870: Switched from TestNG to JUnit due to build errors * BAEL-870: Update README
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2017-12-28 01:11:30 +02:00
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2018-01-06 11:35:44 +02:00
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2018-01-06 11:28:35 +02:00
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2018-02-24 08:19:12 +01:00
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