2017-12-21 19:44:00 -05:00
## Influx SDK Tutorial Project
### Relevant Article:
- [Introduction to using InfluxDB with Java](http://www.baeldung.com/using-influxdb-with-java/)
2018-01-17 15:53:17 -05:00
- [Using InfluxDB with Java](http://www.baeldung.com/java-influxdb)
2017-12-21 19:44:00 -05:00
### Overview
This Maven project contains the Java code for the article linked above.
### Package Organization
Java classes for the intro tutorial are in the
org.baeldung.influxdb package.
### Running the tests
The test class expects an InfluxDB server to be available on localhost, at the default port of 8086 and with the default "admin" credentials.