JAVA-1848: Moved apache-avro to apache-libraries
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
## Apache Avro
This module contains articles about Apache Avro
### Relevant Articles:
- [Guide to Apache Avro](
@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
package com.baeldung.avro.util;
import org.apache.avro.Schema;
import org.apache.avro.compiler.specific.SpecificCompiler;
public class AvroClassGenerator {
public void generateAvroClasses() throws IOException {
SpecificCompiler compiler = new SpecificCompiler(new Schema.Parser().parse(new File("src/main/resources/avroHttpRequest-schema.avsc")));
compiler.compileToDestination(new File("src/main/resources"), new File("src/main/java"));
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
package com.baeldung.avro.util;
import org.apache.avro.Schema;
import org.apache.avro.SchemaBuilder;
public class AvroSchemaBuilder {
public Schema createAvroHttpRequestSchema(){
Schema clientIdentifier = SchemaBuilder.record("ClientIdentifier").namespace("com.baeldung.avro.model")
Schema avroHttpRequest = SchemaBuilder.record("AvroHttpRequest").namespace("com.baeldung.avro.model").fields()
.name("active").type().enumeration("Active").symbols("YES", "NO").noDefault()
return avroHttpRequest;
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
* Autogenerated by Avro
package com.baeldung.avro.util.model;
public enum Active {
public static final org.apache.avro.Schema SCHEMA$ = new org.apache.avro.Schema.Parser().parse("{\"type\":\"enum\",\"name\":\"Active\",\"namespace\":\"com.baeldung.avro.model\",\"symbols\":[\"YES\",\"NO\"]}");
public static org.apache.avro.Schema getClassSchema() { return SCHEMA$; }
@ -1,491 +0,0 @@
* Autogenerated by Avro
package com.baeldung.avro.util.model;
import org.apache.avro.specific.SpecificData;
import org.apache.avro.message.BinaryMessageEncoder;
import org.apache.avro.message.BinaryMessageDecoder;
import org.apache.avro.message.SchemaStore;
public class AvroHttpRequest extends org.apache.avro.specific.SpecificRecordBase implements org.apache.avro.specific.SpecificRecord {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -8649010116827875312L;
public static final org.apache.avro.Schema SCHEMA$ = new org.apache.avro.Schema.Parser().parse("{\"type\":\"record\",\"name\":\"AvroHttpRequest\",\"namespace\":\"com.baeldung.avro.model\",\"fields\":[{\"name\":\"requestTime\",\"type\":\"long\"},{\"name\":\"clientIdentifier\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"record\",\"name\":\"ClientIdentifier\",\"fields\":[{\"name\":\"hostName\",\"type\":\"string\"},{\"name\":\"ipAddress\",\"type\":\"string\"}]}},{\"name\":\"employeeNames\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"array\",\"items\":\"string\"},\"default\":null},{\"name\":\"active\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"enum\",\"name\":\"Active\",\"symbols\":[\"YES\",\"NO\"]}}]}");
public static org.apache.avro.Schema getClassSchema() { return SCHEMA$; }
private static SpecificData MODEL$ = new SpecificData();
private static final BinaryMessageEncoder<AvroHttpRequest> ENCODER =
new BinaryMessageEncoder<AvroHttpRequest>(MODEL$, SCHEMA$);
private static final BinaryMessageDecoder<AvroHttpRequest> DECODER =
new BinaryMessageDecoder<AvroHttpRequest>(MODEL$, SCHEMA$);
* Return the BinaryMessageDecoder instance used by this class.
public static BinaryMessageDecoder<AvroHttpRequest> getDecoder() {
return DECODER;
* Create a new BinaryMessageDecoder instance for this class that uses the specified {@link SchemaStore}.
* @param resolver a {@link SchemaStore} used to find schemas by fingerprint
public static BinaryMessageDecoder<AvroHttpRequest> createDecoder(SchemaStore resolver) {
return new BinaryMessageDecoder<AvroHttpRequest>(MODEL$, SCHEMA$, resolver);
/** Serializes this AvroHttpRequest to a ByteBuffer. */
public java.nio.ByteBuffer toByteBuffer() throws {
return ENCODER.encode(this);
/** Deserializes a AvroHttpRequest from a ByteBuffer. */
public static AvroHttpRequest fromByteBuffer(
java.nio.ByteBuffer b) throws {
return DECODER.decode(b);
@Deprecated public long requestTime;
@Deprecated public ClientIdentifier clientIdentifier;
@Deprecated public java.util.List<java.lang.CharSequence> employeeNames;
@Deprecated public Active active;
* Default constructor. Note that this does not initialize fields
* to their default values from the schema. If that is desired then
* one should use <code>newBuilder()</code>.
public AvroHttpRequest() {}
* All-args constructor.
* @param requestTime The new value for requestTime
* @param clientIdentifier The new value for clientIdentifier
* @param employeeNames The new value for employeeNames
* @param active The new value for active
public AvroHttpRequest(java.lang.Long requestTime, ClientIdentifier clientIdentifier, java.util.List<java.lang.CharSequence> employeeNames, Active active) {
this.requestTime = requestTime;
this.clientIdentifier = clientIdentifier;
this.employeeNames = employeeNames;
|||| = active;
public org.apache.avro.Schema getSchema() { return SCHEMA$; }
// Used by DatumWriter. Applications should not call.
public java.lang.Object get(int field$) {
switch (field$) {
case 0: return requestTime;
case 1: return clientIdentifier;
case 2: return employeeNames;
case 3: return active;
default: throw new org.apache.avro.AvroRuntimeException("Bad index");
// Used by DatumReader. Applications should not call.
public void put(int field$, java.lang.Object value$) {
switch (field$) {
case 0: requestTime = (java.lang.Long)value$; break;
case 1: clientIdentifier = (ClientIdentifier)value$; break;
case 2: employeeNames = (java.util.List<java.lang.CharSequence>)value$; break;
case 3: active = (Active)value$; break;
default: throw new org.apache.avro.AvroRuntimeException("Bad index");
* Gets the value of the 'requestTime' field.
* @return The value of the 'requestTime' field.
public java.lang.Long getRequestTime() {
return requestTime;
* Sets the value of the 'requestTime' field.
* @param value the value to set.
public void setRequestTime(java.lang.Long value) {
this.requestTime = value;
* Gets the value of the 'clientIdentifier' field.
* @return The value of the 'clientIdentifier' field.
public ClientIdentifier getClientIdentifier() {
return clientIdentifier;
* Sets the value of the 'clientIdentifier' field.
* @param value the value to set.
public void setClientIdentifier(ClientIdentifier value) {
this.clientIdentifier = value;
* Gets the value of the 'employeeNames' field.
* @return The value of the 'employeeNames' field.
public java.util.List<java.lang.CharSequence> getEmployeeNames() {
return employeeNames;
* Sets the value of the 'employeeNames' field.
* @param value the value to set.
public void setEmployeeNames(java.util.List<java.lang.CharSequence> value) {
this.employeeNames = value;
* Gets the value of the 'active' field.
* @return The value of the 'active' field.
public Active getActive() {
return active;
* Sets the value of the 'active' field.
* @param value the value to set.
public void setActive(Active value) {
|||| = value;
* Creates a new AvroHttpRequest RecordBuilder.
* @return A new AvroHttpRequest RecordBuilder
public static AvroHttpRequest.Builder newBuilder() {
return new AvroHttpRequest.Builder();
* Creates a new AvroHttpRequest RecordBuilder by copying an existing Builder.
* @param other The existing builder to copy.
* @return A new AvroHttpRequest RecordBuilder
public static AvroHttpRequest.Builder newBuilder(AvroHttpRequest.Builder other) {
return new AvroHttpRequest.Builder(other);
* Creates a new AvroHttpRequest RecordBuilder by copying an existing AvroHttpRequest instance.
* @param other The existing instance to copy.
* @return A new AvroHttpRequest RecordBuilder
public static AvroHttpRequest.Builder newBuilder(AvroHttpRequest other) {
return new AvroHttpRequest.Builder(other);
* RecordBuilder for AvroHttpRequest instances.
public static class Builder extends org.apache.avro.specific.SpecificRecordBuilderBase<AvroHttpRequest>
implements<AvroHttpRequest> {
private long requestTime;
private ClientIdentifier clientIdentifier;
private ClientIdentifier.Builder clientIdentifierBuilder;
private java.util.List<java.lang.CharSequence> employeeNames;
private Active active;
/** Creates a new Builder */
private Builder() {
* Creates a Builder by copying an existing Builder.
* @param other The existing Builder to copy.
private Builder(AvroHttpRequest.Builder other) {
if (isValidValue(fields()[0], other.requestTime)) {
this.requestTime = data().deepCopy(fields()[0].schema(), other.requestTime);
fieldSetFlags()[0] = true;
if (isValidValue(fields()[1], other.clientIdentifier)) {
this.clientIdentifier = data().deepCopy(fields()[1].schema(), other.clientIdentifier);
fieldSetFlags()[1] = true;
if (other.hasClientIdentifierBuilder()) {
this.clientIdentifierBuilder = ClientIdentifier.newBuilder(other.getClientIdentifierBuilder());
if (isValidValue(fields()[2], other.employeeNames)) {
this.employeeNames = data().deepCopy(fields()[2].schema(), other.employeeNames);
fieldSetFlags()[2] = true;
if (isValidValue(fields()[3], {
|||| = data().deepCopy(fields()[3].schema(),;
fieldSetFlags()[3] = true;
* Creates a Builder by copying an existing AvroHttpRequest instance
* @param other The existing instance to copy.
private Builder(AvroHttpRequest other) {
if (isValidValue(fields()[0], other.requestTime)) {
this.requestTime = data().deepCopy(fields()[0].schema(), other.requestTime);
fieldSetFlags()[0] = true;
if (isValidValue(fields()[1], other.clientIdentifier)) {
this.clientIdentifier = data().deepCopy(fields()[1].schema(), other.clientIdentifier);
fieldSetFlags()[1] = true;
this.clientIdentifierBuilder = null;
if (isValidValue(fields()[2], other.employeeNames)) {
this.employeeNames = data().deepCopy(fields()[2].schema(), other.employeeNames);
fieldSetFlags()[2] = true;
if (isValidValue(fields()[3], {
|||| = data().deepCopy(fields()[3].schema(),;
fieldSetFlags()[3] = true;
* Gets the value of the 'requestTime' field.
* @return The value.
public java.lang.Long getRequestTime() {
return requestTime;
* Sets the value of the 'requestTime' field.
* @param value The value of 'requestTime'.
* @return This builder.
public AvroHttpRequest.Builder setRequestTime(long value) {
validate(fields()[0], value);
this.requestTime = value;
fieldSetFlags()[0] = true;
return this;
* Checks whether the 'requestTime' field has been set.
* @return True if the 'requestTime' field has been set, false otherwise.
public boolean hasRequestTime() {
return fieldSetFlags()[0];
* Clears the value of the 'requestTime' field.
* @return This builder.
public AvroHttpRequest.Builder clearRequestTime() {
fieldSetFlags()[0] = false;
return this;
* Gets the value of the 'clientIdentifier' field.
* @return The value.
public ClientIdentifier getClientIdentifier() {
return clientIdentifier;
* Sets the value of the 'clientIdentifier' field.
* @param value The value of 'clientIdentifier'.
* @return This builder.
public AvroHttpRequest.Builder setClientIdentifier(ClientIdentifier value) {
validate(fields()[1], value);
this.clientIdentifierBuilder = null;
this.clientIdentifier = value;
fieldSetFlags()[1] = true;
return this;
* Checks whether the 'clientIdentifier' field has been set.
* @return True if the 'clientIdentifier' field has been set, false otherwise.
public boolean hasClientIdentifier() {
return fieldSetFlags()[1];
* Gets the Builder instance for the 'clientIdentifier' field and creates one if it doesn't exist yet.
* @return This builder.
public ClientIdentifier.Builder getClientIdentifierBuilder() {
if (clientIdentifierBuilder == null) {
if (hasClientIdentifier()) {
} else {
return clientIdentifierBuilder;
* Sets the Builder instance for the 'clientIdentifier' field
* @param value The builder instance that must be set.
* @return This builder.
public AvroHttpRequest.Builder setClientIdentifierBuilder(ClientIdentifier.Builder value) {
clientIdentifierBuilder = value;
return this;
* Checks whether the 'clientIdentifier' field has an active Builder instance
* @return True if the 'clientIdentifier' field has an active Builder instance
public boolean hasClientIdentifierBuilder() {
return clientIdentifierBuilder != null;
* Clears the value of the 'clientIdentifier' field.
* @return This builder.
public AvroHttpRequest.Builder clearClientIdentifier() {
clientIdentifier = null;
clientIdentifierBuilder = null;
fieldSetFlags()[1] = false;
return this;
* Gets the value of the 'employeeNames' field.
* @return The value.
public java.util.List<java.lang.CharSequence> getEmployeeNames() {
return employeeNames;
* Sets the value of the 'employeeNames' field.
* @param value The value of 'employeeNames'.
* @return This builder.
public AvroHttpRequest.Builder setEmployeeNames(java.util.List<java.lang.CharSequence> value) {
validate(fields()[2], value);
this.employeeNames = value;
fieldSetFlags()[2] = true;
return this;
* Checks whether the 'employeeNames' field has been set.
* @return True if the 'employeeNames' field has been set, false otherwise.
public boolean hasEmployeeNames() {
return fieldSetFlags()[2];
* Clears the value of the 'employeeNames' field.
* @return This builder.
public AvroHttpRequest.Builder clearEmployeeNames() {
employeeNames = null;
fieldSetFlags()[2] = false;
return this;
* Gets the value of the 'active' field.
* @return The value.
public Active getActive() {
return active;
* Sets the value of the 'active' field.
* @param value The value of 'active'.
* @return This builder.
public AvroHttpRequest.Builder setActive(Active value) {
validate(fields()[3], value);
|||| = value;
fieldSetFlags()[3] = true;
return this;
* Checks whether the 'active' field has been set.
* @return True if the 'active' field has been set, false otherwise.
public boolean hasActive() {
return fieldSetFlags()[3];
* Clears the value of the 'active' field.
* @return This builder.
public AvroHttpRequest.Builder clearActive() {
active = null;
fieldSetFlags()[3] = false;
return this;
public AvroHttpRequest build() {
try {
AvroHttpRequest record = new AvroHttpRequest();
record.requestTime = fieldSetFlags()[0] ? this.requestTime : (java.lang.Long) defaultValue(fields()[0]);
if (clientIdentifierBuilder != null) {
record.clientIdentifier =;
} else {
record.clientIdentifier = fieldSetFlags()[1] ? this.clientIdentifier : (ClientIdentifier) defaultValue(fields()[1]);
record.employeeNames = fieldSetFlags()[2] ? this.employeeNames : (java.util.List<java.lang.CharSequence>) defaultValue(fields()[2]);
|||| = fieldSetFlags()[3] ? : (Active) defaultValue(fields()[3]);
return record;
} catch (java.lang.Exception e) {
throw new org.apache.avro.AvroRuntimeException(e);
private static final<AvroHttpRequest>
WRITER$ = (<AvroHttpRequest>)MODEL$.createDatumWriter(SCHEMA$);
@Override public void writeExternal( out)
throws {
WRITER$.write(this, SpecificData.getEncoder(out));
private static final<AvroHttpRequest>
READER$ = (<AvroHttpRequest>)MODEL$.createDatumReader(SCHEMA$);
@Override public void readExternal( in)
throws {
READER$.read(this, SpecificData.getDecoder(in));
@ -1,308 +0,0 @@
* Autogenerated by Avro
package com.baeldung.avro.util.model;
import org.apache.avro.specific.SpecificData;
import org.apache.avro.message.BinaryMessageEncoder;
import org.apache.avro.message.BinaryMessageDecoder;
import org.apache.avro.message.SchemaStore;
public class ClientIdentifier extends org.apache.avro.specific.SpecificRecordBase implements org.apache.avro.specific.SpecificRecord {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 8754570983127295424L;
public static final org.apache.avro.Schema SCHEMA$ = new org.apache.avro.Schema.Parser().parse("{\"type\":\"record\",\"name\":\"ClientIdentifier\",\"namespace\":\"com.baeldung.avro.model\",\"fields\":[{\"name\":\"hostName\",\"type\":\"string\"},{\"name\":\"ipAddress\",\"type\":\"string\"}]}");
public static org.apache.avro.Schema getClassSchema() { return SCHEMA$; }
private static SpecificData MODEL$ = new SpecificData();
private static final BinaryMessageEncoder<ClientIdentifier> ENCODER =
new BinaryMessageEncoder<ClientIdentifier>(MODEL$, SCHEMA$);
private static final BinaryMessageDecoder<ClientIdentifier> DECODER =
new BinaryMessageDecoder<ClientIdentifier>(MODEL$, SCHEMA$);
* Return the BinaryMessageDecoder instance used by this class.
public static BinaryMessageDecoder<ClientIdentifier> getDecoder() {
return DECODER;
* Create a new BinaryMessageDecoder instance for this class that uses the specified {@link SchemaStore}.
* @param resolver a {@link SchemaStore} used to find schemas by fingerprint
public static BinaryMessageDecoder<ClientIdentifier> createDecoder(SchemaStore resolver) {
return new BinaryMessageDecoder<ClientIdentifier>(MODEL$, SCHEMA$, resolver);
/** Serializes this ClientIdentifier to a ByteBuffer. */
public java.nio.ByteBuffer toByteBuffer() throws {
return ENCODER.encode(this);
/** Deserializes a ClientIdentifier from a ByteBuffer. */
public static ClientIdentifier fromByteBuffer(
java.nio.ByteBuffer b) throws {
return DECODER.decode(b);
@Deprecated public java.lang.CharSequence hostName;
@Deprecated public java.lang.CharSequence ipAddress;
* Default constructor. Note that this does not initialize fields
* to their default values from the schema. If that is desired then
* one should use <code>newBuilder()</code>.
public ClientIdentifier() {}
* All-args constructor.
* @param hostName The new value for hostName
* @param ipAddress The new value for ipAddress
public ClientIdentifier(java.lang.CharSequence hostName, java.lang.CharSequence ipAddress) {
this.hostName = hostName;
this.ipAddress = ipAddress;
public org.apache.avro.Schema getSchema() { return SCHEMA$; }
// Used by DatumWriter. Applications should not call.
public java.lang.Object get(int field$) {
switch (field$) {
case 0: return hostName;
case 1: return ipAddress;
default: throw new org.apache.avro.AvroRuntimeException("Bad index");
// Used by DatumReader. Applications should not call.
public void put(int field$, java.lang.Object value$) {
switch (field$) {
case 0: hostName = (java.lang.CharSequence)value$; break;
case 1: ipAddress = (java.lang.CharSequence)value$; break;
default: throw new org.apache.avro.AvroRuntimeException("Bad index");
* Gets the value of the 'hostName' field.
* @return The value of the 'hostName' field.
public java.lang.CharSequence getHostName() {
return hostName;
* Sets the value of the 'hostName' field.
* @param value the value to set.
public void setHostName(java.lang.CharSequence value) {
this.hostName = value;
* Gets the value of the 'ipAddress' field.
* @return The value of the 'ipAddress' field.
public java.lang.CharSequence getIpAddress() {
return ipAddress;
* Sets the value of the 'ipAddress' field.
* @param value the value to set.
public void setIpAddress(java.lang.CharSequence value) {
this.ipAddress = value;
* Creates a new ClientIdentifier RecordBuilder.
* @return A new ClientIdentifier RecordBuilder
public static ClientIdentifier.Builder newBuilder() {
return new ClientIdentifier.Builder();
* Creates a new ClientIdentifier RecordBuilder by copying an existing Builder.
* @param other The existing builder to copy.
* @return A new ClientIdentifier RecordBuilder
public static ClientIdentifier.Builder newBuilder(ClientIdentifier.Builder other) {
return new ClientIdentifier.Builder(other);
* Creates a new ClientIdentifier RecordBuilder by copying an existing ClientIdentifier instance.
* @param other The existing instance to copy.
* @return A new ClientIdentifier RecordBuilder
public static ClientIdentifier.Builder newBuilder(ClientIdentifier other) {
return new ClientIdentifier.Builder(other);
* RecordBuilder for ClientIdentifier instances.
public static class Builder extends org.apache.avro.specific.SpecificRecordBuilderBase<ClientIdentifier>
implements<ClientIdentifier> {
private java.lang.CharSequence hostName;
private java.lang.CharSequence ipAddress;
/** Creates a new Builder */
private Builder() {
* Creates a Builder by copying an existing Builder.
* @param other The existing Builder to copy.
private Builder(ClientIdentifier.Builder other) {
if (isValidValue(fields()[0], other.hostName)) {
this.hostName = data().deepCopy(fields()[0].schema(), other.hostName);
fieldSetFlags()[0] = true;
if (isValidValue(fields()[1], other.ipAddress)) {
this.ipAddress = data().deepCopy(fields()[1].schema(), other.ipAddress);
fieldSetFlags()[1] = true;
* Creates a Builder by copying an existing ClientIdentifier instance
* @param other The existing instance to copy.
private Builder(ClientIdentifier other) {
if (isValidValue(fields()[0], other.hostName)) {
this.hostName = data().deepCopy(fields()[0].schema(), other.hostName);
fieldSetFlags()[0] = true;
if (isValidValue(fields()[1], other.ipAddress)) {
this.ipAddress = data().deepCopy(fields()[1].schema(), other.ipAddress);
fieldSetFlags()[1] = true;
* Gets the value of the 'hostName' field.
* @return The value.
public java.lang.CharSequence getHostName() {
return hostName;
* Sets the value of the 'hostName' field.
* @param value The value of 'hostName'.
* @return This builder.
public ClientIdentifier.Builder setHostName(java.lang.CharSequence value) {
validate(fields()[0], value);
this.hostName = value;
fieldSetFlags()[0] = true;
return this;
* Checks whether the 'hostName' field has been set.
* @return True if the 'hostName' field has been set, false otherwise.
public boolean hasHostName() {
return fieldSetFlags()[0];
* Clears the value of the 'hostName' field.
* @return This builder.
public ClientIdentifier.Builder clearHostName() {
hostName = null;
fieldSetFlags()[0] = false;
return this;
* Gets the value of the 'ipAddress' field.
* @return The value.
public java.lang.CharSequence getIpAddress() {
return ipAddress;
* Sets the value of the 'ipAddress' field.
* @param value The value of 'ipAddress'.
* @return This builder.
public ClientIdentifier.Builder setIpAddress(java.lang.CharSequence value) {
validate(fields()[1], value);
this.ipAddress = value;
fieldSetFlags()[1] = true;
return this;
* Checks whether the 'ipAddress' field has been set.
* @return True if the 'ipAddress' field has been set, false otherwise.
public boolean hasIpAddress() {
return fieldSetFlags()[1];
* Clears the value of the 'ipAddress' field.
* @return This builder.
public ClientIdentifier.Builder clearIpAddress() {
ipAddress = null;
fieldSetFlags()[1] = false;
return this;
public ClientIdentifier build() {
try {
ClientIdentifier record = new ClientIdentifier();
record.hostName = fieldSetFlags()[0] ? this.hostName : (java.lang.CharSequence) defaultValue(fields()[0]);
record.ipAddress = fieldSetFlags()[1] ? this.ipAddress : (java.lang.CharSequence) defaultValue(fields()[1]);
return record;
} catch (java.lang.Exception e) {
throw new org.apache.avro.AvroRuntimeException(e);
private static final<ClientIdentifier>
WRITER$ = (<ClientIdentifier>)MODEL$.createDatumWriter(SCHEMA$);
@Override public void writeExternal( out)
throws {
WRITER$.write(this, SpecificData.getEncoder(out));
private static final<ClientIdentifier>
READER$ = (<ClientIdentifier>)MODEL$.createDatumReader(SCHEMA$);
@Override public void readExternal( in)
throws {
READER$.read(this, SpecificData.getDecoder(in));
@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
package com.baeldung.avro.util.serealization;
import com.baeldung.avro.util.model.AvroHttpRequest;
import org.apache.avro.specific.SpecificDatumReader;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public class AvroDeSerealizer {
private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AvroDeSerealizer.class);
public AvroHttpRequest deSerealizeAvroHttpRequestJSON(byte[] data) {
DatumReader<AvroHttpRequest> reader = new SpecificDatumReader<>(AvroHttpRequest.class);
Decoder decoder = null;
try {
decoder = DecoderFactory.get()
.jsonDecoder(AvroHttpRequest.getClassSchema(), new String(data));
return, decoder);
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.error("Deserialization error" + e.getMessage());
return null;
public AvroHttpRequest deSerealizeAvroHttpRequestBinary(byte[] data) {
DatumReader<AvroHttpRequest> employeeReader = new SpecificDatumReader<>(AvroHttpRequest.class);
Decoder decoder = DecoderFactory.get()
.binaryDecoder(data, null);
try {
return, decoder);
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.error("Deserialization error" + e.getMessage());
return null;
@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
package com.baeldung.avro.util.serealization;
import com.baeldung.avro.util.model.AvroHttpRequest;
import org.apache.avro.specific.SpecificDatumWriter;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public class AvroSerealizer {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AvroSerealizer.class);
public byte[] serealizeAvroHttpRequestJSON(AvroHttpRequest request) {
DatumWriter<AvroHttpRequest> writer = new SpecificDatumWriter<>(AvroHttpRequest.class);
byte[] data = new byte[0];
ByteArrayOutputStream stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
Encoder jsonEncoder = null;
try {
jsonEncoder = EncoderFactory.get()
.jsonEncoder(AvroHttpRequest.getClassSchema(), stream);
writer.write(request, jsonEncoder);
data = stream.toByteArray();
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.error("Serialization error " + e.getMessage());
return data;
public byte[] serealizeAvroHttpRequestBinary(AvroHttpRequest request) {
DatumWriter<AvroHttpRequest> writer = new SpecificDatumWriter<>(AvroHttpRequest.class);
byte[] data = new byte[0];
ByteArrayOutputStream stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
Encoder jsonEncoder = EncoderFactory.get()
.binaryEncoder(stream, null);
try {
writer.write(request, jsonEncoder);
data = stream.toByteArray();
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.error("Serialization error " + e.getMessage());
return data;
@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<appender name="STDOUT" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
<pattern>%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%thread] %-5level %logger{36} - %msg%n
<root level="INFO">
<appender-ref ref="STDOUT" />
@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
package com.baeldung.avro.util.serealization;
import com.baeldung.avro.util.model.Active;
import com.baeldung.avro.util.model.AvroHttpRequest;
import com.baeldung.avro.util.model.ClientIdentifier;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
public class AvroSerealizerDeSerealizerUnitTest {
AvroSerealizer serealizer;
AvroDeSerealizer deSerealizer;
AvroHttpRequest request;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
serealizer = new AvroSerealizer();
deSerealizer = new AvroDeSerealizer();
ClientIdentifier clientIdentifier = ClientIdentifier.newBuilder()
List<CharSequence> employees = new ArrayList();
request = AvroHttpRequest.newBuilder()
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
public void WhenSerializedUsingJSONEncoder_thenObjectGetsSerialized() {
byte[] data = serealizer.serealizeAvroHttpRequestJSON(request);
assertTrue(data.length > 0);
public void WhenSerializedUsingBinaryEncoder_thenObjectGetsSerialized() {
byte[] data = serealizer.serealizeAvroHttpRequestBinary(request);
assertTrue(data.length > 0);
public void WhenDeserializeUsingJSONDecoder_thenActualAndExpectedObjectsAreEqual() {
byte[] data = serealizer.serealizeAvroHttpRequestJSON(request);
AvroHttpRequest actualRequest = deSerealizer.deSerealizeAvroHttpRequestJSON(data);
assertEquals(actualRequest, request);
public void WhenDeserializeUsingBinaryecoder_thenActualAndExpectedObjectsAreEqual() {
byte[] data = serealizer.serealizeAvroHttpRequestBinary(request);
AvroHttpRequest actualRequest = deSerealizer.deSerealizeAvroHttpRequestBinary(data);
assertEquals(actualRequest, request);
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