BAEL-2771 Add String matching example to core-groovy (#6726)

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Kevin Wittek 2019-04-14 21:49:50 +02:00 committed by maibin
parent d958ee9e03
commit 14bf329f9f

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@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
package com.baeldung.strings
import spock.lang.Specification
import java.util.regex.Pattern
class StringMatchingSpec extends Specification {
def "pattern operator example"() {
given: "a pattern"
def p = ~'foo'
p instanceof Pattern
and: "you can use slash strings to avoid escaping of blackslash"
def digitPattern = ~/\d*/
def "match operator example"() {
'foobar' ==~ /.*oba.*/
and: "matching is strict"
!('foobar' ==~ /foo/)
def "find operator example"() {
when: "using the find operator"
def matcher = 'foo and bar, baz and buz' =~ /(\w+) and (\w+)/
then: "will find groups"
matcher.size() == 2
and: "can access groups using array"
matcher[0][0] == 'foo and bar'
matcher[1][2] == 'buz'
and: "you can use it as a predicate"
'foobarbaz' =~ /bar/