BAEL-1398 Code for the article: HTTP Requests with Kotlin and khttp

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Alessio Stalla 2018-01-22 14:30:58 +01:00
parent 407607131f
commit 7000fca197
2 changed files with 158 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -49,6 +49,11 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
package com.baeldung.kotlin.khttp
import khttp.structures.files.FileLike
import org.json.JSONObject
import org.junit.Test
import java.beans.ExceptionListener
import java.beans.XMLEncoder
import java.lang.Exception
import kotlin.test.assertEquals
import kotlin.test.assertTrue
class KhttpTest {
fun whenHttpGetRequestIsMade_thenArgsAreReturned() {
val response = khttp.get(
url = "",
params = mapOf("p1" to "1", "p2" to "2"))
val args = response.jsonObject.getJSONObject("args")
assertEquals("1", args["p1"])
assertEquals("2", args["p2"])
fun whenAlternateHttpGetRequestIsMade_thenArgsAreReturned() {
val response = khttp.request(
method = "GET",
url = "",
params = mapOf("p1" to "1", "p2" to "2"))
val args = response.jsonObject.getJSONObject("args")
assertEquals("1", args["p1"])
assertEquals("2", args["p2"])
fun whenHeadersAreSet_thenHeadersAreSent() {
val response = khttp.get(
url = "",
headers = mapOf("header1" to "1", "header2" to "2"))
val headers = response.jsonObject.getJSONObject("headers")
assertEquals("1", headers["Header1"])
assertEquals("2", headers["Header2"])
fun whenHttpPostRequestIsMadeWithJson_thenBodyIsReturned() {
val response =
url = "",
params = mapOf("p1" to "1", "p2" to "2"),
json = mapOf("pr1" to "1", "pr2" to "2"))
val args = response.jsonObject.getJSONObject("args")
assertEquals("1", args["p1"])
assertEquals("2", args["p2"])
val json = response.jsonObject.getJSONObject("json")
assertEquals("1", json["pr1"])
assertEquals("2", json["pr2"])
fun whenHttpPostRequestIsMadeWithMapData_thenBodyIsReturned() {
val response =
url = "",
params = mapOf("p1" to "1", "p2" to "2"),
data = mapOf("pr1" to "1", "pr2" to "2"))
val args = response.jsonObject.getJSONObject("args")
assertEquals("1", args["p1"])
assertEquals("2", args["p2"])
val form = response.jsonObject.getJSONObject("form")
assertEquals("1", form["pr1"])
assertEquals("2", form["pr2"])
fun whenHttpPostRequestIsMadeWithFiles_thenBodyIsReturned() {
val response =
url = "",
params = mapOf("p1" to "1", "p2" to "2"),
files = listOf(
FileLike("file1", "content1"),
FileLike("file2", javaClass.getResource("KhttpTest.class").openStream().readBytes())))
val args = response.jsonObject.getJSONObject("args")
assertEquals("1", args["p1"])
assertEquals("2", args["p2"])
val files = response.jsonObject.getJSONObject("files")
assertEquals("content1", files["file1"])
fun whenHttpPostRequestIsMadeWithInputStream_thenBodyIsReturned() {
val response =
url = "",
params = mapOf("p1" to "1", "p2" to "2"),
data = ByteArrayInputStream("content!".toByteArray()))
val args = response.jsonObject.getJSONObject("args")
assertEquals("1", args["p1"])
assertEquals("2", args["p2"])
assertEquals("content!", response.jsonObject["data"])
fun whenHttpPostStreamingRequestIsMade_thenBodyIsReturnedInChunks() {
val response =
url = "",
stream = true,
json = mapOf("pr1" to "1", "pr2" to "2"))
val baos = ByteArrayOutputStream()
response.contentIterator(chunkSize = 10).forEach { arr : ByteArray -> baos.write(arr) }
val json = JSONObject(String(baos.toByteArray())).getJSONObject("json")
assertEquals("1", json["pr1"])
assertEquals("2", json["pr2"])
fun whenHttpRequestFails_thenExceptionIsThrown() {
try {
khttp.get(url = "http://localhost/nothing/to/see/here")
fail("Should have thrown an exception")
} catch (e : ConnectException) {
fun whenHttpNotFound_thenExceptionIsThrown() {
val response = khttp.get(url = "")
assertEquals(404, response.statusCode)