Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
This commit is contained in:
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
# Mac
# Mac
@ -27,6 +28,9 @@
# Gradle
@ -73,3 +77,4 @@ apache-avro/src/main/java/com/baeldung/avro/model/
@ -14,7 +14,5 @@
- [Calculate Factorial in Java](
- [Calculate Factorial in Java](
- [Find Substrings That Are Palindromes in Java](
- [Find Substrings That Are Palindromes in Java](
- [Find the Longest Substring without Repeating Characters](
- [Find the Longest Substring without Repeating Characters](
- [Java Two Pointer Technique](
- [Permutations of an Array in Java](
- [Permutations of an Array in Java](
- [Implementing Simple State Machines with Java Enums](
- [Generate Combinations in Java](
- [Generate Combinations in Java](
@ -8,9 +8,6 @@
- [Create a Sudoku Solver in Java](
- [Create a Sudoku Solver in Java](
- [Displaying Money Amounts in Words](
- [Displaying Money Amounts in Words](
- [A Collaborative Filtering Recommendation System in Java](
- [A Collaborative Filtering Recommendation System in Java](
- [Converting Between Roman and Arabic Numerals in Java](
- [Practical Java Examples of the Big O Notation](
- [An Introduction to the Theory of Big-O Notation](
- [Check If Two Rectangles Overlap In Java](
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- [Find the Intersection of Two Lines in Java](
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
## Relevant articles:
- [Java Two Pointer Technique](
- [Implementing Simple State Machines with Java Enums](
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- [Practical Java Examples of the Big O Notation](
- [An Introduction to the Theory of Big-O Notation](
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
@ -60,7 +60,6 @@
@ -59,7 +59,6 @@
@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
package com.baeldung.autofactory.provided;
package com.baeldung.autofactory.provided;
import com.baeldung.autofactory.model.Camera;
import javafx.scene.Camera;
import javax.inject.Provider;
import javax.inject.Provider;
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
@ -64,7 +64,6 @@
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
### Revelant Articles
- [A Quick Guide To Using Cloud Foundry UAA](
@ -35,7 +35,4 @@
@ -35,8 +35,4 @@
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# Groovy
## Relevant articles:
- [String Matching in Groovy](
- [Groovy def Keyword]
@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
package com.baeldung.defkeyword
import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.NullObject
import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.typehandling.GroovyCastException
import groovy.transform.TypeChecked
import groovy.transform.TypeCheckingMode
class DefUnitTest extends GroovyTestCase {
def id
def firstName = "Samwell"
def listOfCountries = ['USA', 'UK', 'FRANCE', 'INDIA']
def multiply(x, y) {
return x*y
void testDefVariableDeclaration() {
def list
assert list.getClass() == org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.NullObject
list = [1,2,4]
assert list instanceof ArrayList
void testTypeVariables() {
int rate = 200
try {
rate = [12] //GroovyCastException
rate = "nill" //GroovyCastException
} catch(GroovyCastException) {
println "Cannot assign anything other than integer"
void testDefVariableMultipleAssignment() {
def rate
assert rate == null
assert rate.getClass() == org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.NullObject
rate = 12
assert rate instanceof Integer
rate = "Not Available"
assert rate instanceof String
rate = [1, 4]
assert rate instanceof List
assert divide(12, 3) instanceof BigDecimal
assert divide(1, 0) instanceof String
def divide(int x, int y) {
if(y==0) {
return "Should not divide by 0"
} else {
return x/y
def greetMsg() {
println "Hello! I am Groovy"
void testDefVsType() {
def int count
assert count instanceof Integer
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
package com.baeldung.strings
import spock.lang.Specification
import java.util.regex.Pattern
class StringMatchingSpec extends Specification {
def "pattern operator example"() {
given: "a pattern"
def p = ~'foo'
p instanceof Pattern
and: "you can use slash strings to avoid escaping of blackslash"
def digitPattern = ~/\d*/
def "match operator example"() {
'foobar' ==~ /.*oba.*/
and: "matching is strict"
!('foobar' ==~ /foo/)
def "find operator example"() {
when: "using the find operator"
def matcher = 'foo and bar, baz and buz' =~ /(\w+) and (\w+)/
then: "will find groups"
matcher.size() == 2
and: "can access groups using array"
matcher[0][0] == 'foo and bar'
matcher[1][2] == 'buz'
and: "you can use it as a predicate"
'foobarbaz' =~ /bar/
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# Groovy
## Relevant articles:
- [Maps in Groovy](
@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
import static groovy.test.GroovyAssert.*
import org.junit.Test
class MapTest{
void createMap() {
def emptyMap = [:]
assertTrue(emptyMap instanceof java.util.LinkedHashMap)
def map = [name:"Jerry", age: 42, city: "New York"]
assertTrue(map.size() == 3)
void addItemsToMap() {
def map = [name:"Jerry"]
map["age"] = 42
| = "New York"
def hobbyLiteral = "hobby"
def hobbyMap = [(hobbyLiteral): "Singing"]
assertTrue(map == [name:"Jerry", age: 42, city: "New York", hobby:"Singing"])
assertTrue(hobbyMap.hobby == "Singing")
assertTrue(hobbyMap[hobbyLiteral] == "Singing")
|[1:20]) // returns new map
map << [2:30]
void getItemsFromMap() {
def map = [name:"Jerry", age: 42, city: "New York", hobby:"Singing"]
assertTrue(map["name"] == "Jerry")
assertTrue( == "Jerry")
def propertyAge = "age"
assertTrue(map[propertyAge] == 42)
void removeItemsFromMap() {
def map = [1:20, a:30, 2:42, 4:34, ba:67, 6:39, 7:49]
def minusMap = map.minus([2:42, 4:34]);
assertTrue(minusMap == [1:20, a:30, ba:67, 6:39, 7:49])
minusMap.removeAll{it -> it.key instanceof String}
assertTrue( minusMap == [ 1:20, 6:39, 7:49])
minusMap.retainAll{it -> it.value %2 == 0}
assertTrue( minusMap == [1:20])
void iteratingOnMaps(){
def map = [name:"Jerry", age: 42, city: "New York", hobby:"Singing"]
map.each{ entry -> println "$entry.key: $entry.value" }
map.eachWithIndex{ entry, i -> println "$i $entry.key: $entry.value" }
map.eachWithIndex{ key, value, i -> println "$i $key: $value" }
void filteringAndSearchingMaps(){
def map = [name:"Jerry", age: 42, city: "New York", hobby:"Singing"]
assertTrue(map.find{ it.value == "New York"}.key == "city")
assertTrue(map.findAll{ it.value == "New York"} == [city : "New York"])
map.grep{it.value == "New York"}.each{ it -> assertTrue(it.key == "city" && it.value == "New York")}
assertTrue(map.every{it -> it.value instanceof String} == false)
assertTrue(map.any{it -> it.value instanceof String} == true)
void collect(){
def map = [1: [name:"Jerry", age: 42, city: "New York"],
2: [name:"Long", age: 25, city: "New York"],
3: [name:"Dustin", age: 29, city: "New York"],
4: [name:"Dustin", age: 34, city: "New York"]]
def names = map.collect{entry ->} // returns only list
assertTrue(names == ["Jerry", "Long", "Dustin", "Dustin"])
def uniqueNames = map.collect([] as HashSet){entry ->}
assertTrue(uniqueNames == ["Jerry", "Long", "Dustin"] as Set)
def idNames = map.collectEntries{key, value -> [key,]}
assertTrue(idNames == [1:"Jerry", 2: "Long", 3:"Dustin", 4: "Dustin"])
def below30Names = map.findAll{it.value.age < 30}.collect{key, value ->}
assertTrue(below30Names == ["Long", "Dustin"])
void group(){
def map = [1:20, 2: 40, 3: 11, 4: 93]
def subMap = map.groupBy{it.value % 2}
println subMap
assertTrue(subMap == [0:[1:20, 2:40 ], 1:[3:11, 4:93]])
def keySubMap = map.subMap([1, 2])
assertTrue(keySubMap == [1:20, 2:40])
void sorting(){
def map = [ab:20, a: 40, cb: 11, ba: 93]
def naturallyOrderedMap = map.sort()
assertTrue([a:40, ab:20, ba:93, cb:11] == naturallyOrderedMap)
def compSortedMap = map.sort({ k1, k2 -> k1 <=> k2 } as Comparator)
assertTrue([a:40, ab:20, ba:93, cb:11] == compSortedMap)
def cloSortedMap = map.sort({ it1, it2 -> it1.value <=> it1.value })
assertTrue([cb:11, ab:20, a:40, ba:93] == cloSortedMap)
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Binary file not shown.
@ -34,7 +34,9 @@ class DataAndObjectsUnitTest {
void whenUsingWithObjectOutputStream_thenObjectIsSerializedToFile() {
void whenUsingWithObjectOutputStream_thenObjectIsSerializedToFile() {
Task task = new Task(description:'Take out the trash', startDate:new Date(), status:0)
Task task = new Task(description:'Take out the trash', startDate:new Date(), status:0)
new File('src/main/resources/ioSerializedObject.txt').withObjectOutputStream { out ->
def serializedDataFile = new File('src/main/resources/ioSerializedObject.txt')
serializedDataFile.withObjectOutputStream { out ->
@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
import static groovy.test.GroovyAssert.*
import org.junit.Test
class MapTest{
void createMap() {
def emptyMap = [:]
assertTrue(emptyMap instanceof java.util.LinkedHashMap)
def map = [name:"Jerry", age: 42, city: "New York"]
assertTrue(map.size() == 3)
void addItemsToMap() {
def map = [name:"Jerry"]
map["age"] = 42
| = "New York"
def hobbyLiteral = "hobby"
def hobbyMap = [(hobbyLiteral): "Singing"]
assertTrue(map == [name:"Jerry", age: 42, city: "New York", hobby:"Singing"])
assertTrue(hobbyMap.hobby == "Singing")
assertTrue(hobbyMap[hobbyLiteral] == "Singing")
|[1:20]) // returns new map
map << [2:30]
void getItemsFromMap() {
def map = [name:"Jerry", age: 42, city: "New York", hobby:"Singing"]
assertTrue(map["name"] == "Jerry")
assertTrue( == "Jerry")
def propertyAge = "age"
assertTrue(map[propertyAge] == 42)
void removeItemsFromMap() {
def map = [1:20, a:30, 2:42, 4:34, ba:67, 6:39, 7:49]
def minusMap = map.minus([2:42, 4:34]);
assertTrue(minusMap == [1:20, a:30, ba:67, 6:39, 7:49])
minusMap.removeAll{it -> it.key instanceof String}
assertTrue( minusMap == [ 1:20, 6:39, 7:49])
minusMap.retainAll{it -> it.value %2 == 0}
assertTrue( minusMap == [1:20])
void iteratingOnMaps(){
def map = [name:"Jerry", age: 42, city: "New York", hobby:"Singing"]
map.each{ entry -> println "$entry.key: $entry.value" }
map.eachWithIndex{ entry, i -> println "$i $entry.key: $entry.value" }
map.eachWithIndex{ key, value, i -> println "$i $key: $value" }
void filteringAndSearchingMaps(){
def map = [name:"Jerry", age: 42, city: "New York", hobby:"Singing"]
assertTrue(map.find{ it.value == "New York"}.key == "city")
assertTrue(map.findAll{ it.value == "New York"} == [city : "New York"])
map.grep{it.value == "New York"}.each{ it -> assertTrue(it.key == "city" && it.value == "New York")}
assertTrue(map.every{it -> it.value instanceof String} == false)
assertTrue(map.any{it -> it.value instanceof String} == true)
void collect(){
def map = [1: [name:"Jerry", age: 42, city: "New York"],
2: [name:"Long", age: 25, city: "New York"],
3: [name:"Dustin", age: 29, city: "New York"],
4: [name:"Dustin", age: 34, city: "New York"]]
def names = map.collect{entry ->} // returns only list
assertTrue(names == ["Jerry", "Long", "Dustin", "Dustin"])
def uniqueNames = map.collect([] as HashSet){entry ->}
assertTrue(uniqueNames == ["Jerry", "Long", "Dustin"] as Set)
def idNames = map.collectEntries{key, value -> [key,]}
assertTrue(idNames == [1:"Jerry", 2: "Long", 3:"Dustin", 4: "Dustin"])
def below30Names = map.findAll{it.value.age < 30}.collect{key, value ->}
assertTrue(below30Names == ["Long", "Dustin"])
void group(){
def map = [1:20, 2: 40, 3: 11, 4: 93]
def subMap = map.groupBy{it.value % 2}
println subMap
assertTrue(subMap == [0:[1:20, 2:40 ], 1:[3:11, 4:93]])
def keySubMap = map.subMap([1, 2])
assertTrue(keySubMap == [1:20, 2:40])
void sorting(){
def map = [ab:20, a: 40, cb: 11, ba: 93]
def naturallyOrderedMap = map.sort()
assertTrue([a:40, ab:20, ba:93, cb:11] == naturallyOrderedMap)
def compSortedMap = map.sort({ k1, k2 -> k1 <=> k2 } as Comparator)
assertTrue([a:40, ab:20, ba:93, cb:11] == compSortedMap)
def cloSortedMap = map.sort({ it1, it2 -> it1.value <=> it1.value })
assertTrue([cb:11, ab:20, a:40, ba:93] == cloSortedMap)
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
package com.baeldung.strings
import spock.lang.Specification
import java.util.regex.Pattern
class StringMatchingSpec extends Specification {
def "pattern operator example"() {
given: "a pattern"
def p = ~'foo'
p instanceof Pattern
and: "you can use slash strings to avoid escaping of blackslash"
def digitPattern = ~/\d*/
def "match operator example"() {
'foobar' ==~ /.*oba.*/
and: "matching is strict"
!('foobar' ==~ /foo/)
def "find operator example"() {
when: "using the find operator"
def matcher = 'foo and bar, baz and buz' =~ /(\w+) and (\w+)/
then: "will find groups"
matcher.size() == 2
and: "can access groups using array"
matcher[0][0] == 'foo and bar'
matcher[1][2] == 'buz'
and: "you can use it as a predicate"
'foobarbaz' =~ /bar/
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
package com.baeldung;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import org.junit.Test;
* Unit test for simple App.
public class UnitTest {
* Stub test
public void givenPreconditions_whenCondition_shouldResult() {
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
## Core Java Collections 2
### Relevant Articles:
- Java - Copying a HashMap
@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
## Core Java Lang OOP 2 Cookbooks and Examples
### Relevant Articles:
Binary file not shown.
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
## Relevant articles:
- [Multi-Module Maven Application with Java Modules](
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
core-java-11/src/main/java/com/baeldung/add → core-java-modules/core-java-11/src/main/java/com/baeldung/add
Executable file → Normal file
core-java-11/src/main/java/com/baeldung/add → core-java-modules/core-java-11/src/main/java/com/baeldung/add
Executable file → Normal file
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
@ -14,16 +14,23 @@
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
package com.baeldung.jarArguments;
public class JarExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Hello Baeldung Reader in JarExample!");
if(args == null) {
System.out.println("You have not provided any arguments!");
}else {
System.out.println("There are "+args.length+" argument(s)!");
for(int i=0; i<args.length; i++) {
System.out.println("Argument("+(i+1)+"):" + args[i]);
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
package com.baeldung.localization;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
public class App {
* Runs all available formatter
* @throws ParseException
public static void main(String[] args) {
List<Locale> locales = Arrays.asList(new Locale[] { Locale.UK, Locale.ITALY, Locale.FRANCE, Locale.forLanguageTag("pl-PL") });
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
package com.baeldung.localization;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
public class ICUFormat {
public static String getLabel(Locale locale, Object[] data) {
ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("formats", locale);
String format = bundle.getString("label-icu");
MessageFormat formatter = new MessageFormat(format, locale);
return formatter.format(data);
public static void run(List<Locale> locales) {
System.out.println("ICU formatter");
locales.forEach(locale -> System.out.println(getLabel(locale, new Object[] { "Alice", "female", 0 })));
locales.forEach(locale -> System.out.println(getLabel(locale, new Object[] { "Alice", "female", 1 })));
locales.forEach(locale -> System.out.println(getLabel(locale, new Object[] { "Alice", "female", 2 })));
locales.forEach(locale -> System.out.println(getLabel(locale, new Object[] { "Alice", "female", 3 })));
locales.forEach(locale -> System.out.println(getLabel(locale, new Object[] { "Bob", "male", 0 })));
locales.forEach(locale -> System.out.println(getLabel(locale, new Object[] { "Bob", "male", 1 })));
locales.forEach(locale -> System.out.println(getLabel(locale, new Object[] { "Bob", "male", 2 })));
locales.forEach(locale -> System.out.println(getLabel(locale, new Object[] { "Bob", "male", 3 })));
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
package com.baeldung.localization;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
public class JavaSEFormat {
public static String getLabel(Locale locale, Object[] data) {
ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("formats", locale);
final String pattern = bundle.getString("label");
final MessageFormat formatter = new MessageFormat(pattern, locale);
return formatter.format(data);
public static void run(List<Locale> locales) {
System.out.println("Java formatter");
final Date date = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis());
locales.forEach(locale -> System.out.println(getLabel(locale, new Object[] { date, "Alice", 0 })));
locales.forEach(locale -> System.out.println(getLabel(locale, new Object[] { date, "Alice", 2 })));
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
package com.baeldung.localization;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
public class Localization {
public static String getLabel(Locale locale) {
final ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("messages", locale);
return bundle.getString("label");
public static void run(List<Locale> locales) {
locales.forEach(locale -> System.out.println(getLabel(locale)));
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Main-Class: com.baeldung.jarArguments.JarExample
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
label=On {0, date, short} {1} has sent you {2, choice, 0#no messages|1#a message|2#two messages|2<{2,number,integer} messages}.
label-icu={0} has sent you {2, plural, =0 {no messages} =1 {a message} other {{2, number, integer} messages}}.
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
label={0, date, short}, {1}{2, choice, 0# ne|0<} vous a envoyé {2, choice, 0#aucun message|1#un message|2#deux messages|2<{2,number,integer} messages}.
label-icu={0} {2, plural, =0 {ne } other {}}vous a envoyé {2, plural, =0 {aucun message} =1 {un message} other {{2, number, integer} messages}}.
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
label={0, date, short} {1} ti ha inviato {2, choice, 0#nessun messagio|1#un messaggio|2#due messaggi|2<{2, number, integer} messaggi}.
label-icu={0} {2, plural, =0 {non } other {}}ti ha inviato {2, plural, =0 {nessun messaggio} =1 {un messaggio} other {{2, number, integer} messaggi}}.
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
label=W {0, date, short} {1}{2, choice, 0# nie|0<} wys\u0142a\u0142a ci {2, choice, 0#\u017Cadnych wiadomo\u015Bci|1#wiadomo\u015B\u0107|2#dwie wiadomo\u015Bci|2<{2, number, integer} wiadomo\u015Bci}.
label-icu={0} {2, plural, =0 {nie } other {}}{1, select, male {wys\u0142a\u0142} female {wys\u0142a\u0142a} other {wys\u0142a\u0142o}} ci {2, plural, =0 {\u017Cadnej wiadomo\u015Bci} =1 {wiadomo\u015B\u0107} other {{2, number, integer} wiadomo\u015Bci}}.
@ -0,0 +1 @@
label=Alice has sent you a message.
@ -0,0 +1 @@
label=Alice vous a envoyé un message.
@ -0,0 +1 @@
label=Alice ti ha inviato un messaggio.
@ -0,0 +1 @@
label=Alice wys\u0142a\u0142a ci wiadomo\u015B\u0107.
@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
package com.baeldung.localization;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import java.util.Locale;
import org.junit.Test;
import com.baeldung.localization.ICUFormat;
public class ICUFormatUnitTest {
public void givenInUK_whenAliceSendsNothing_thenCorrectMessage() {
assertEquals("Alice has sent you no messages.", ICUFormat.getLabel(Locale.UK, new Object[] { "Alice", "female", 0 }));
public void givenInUK_whenAliceSendsOneMessage_thenCorrectMessage() {
assertEquals("Alice has sent you a message.", ICUFormat.getLabel(Locale.UK, new Object[] { "Alice", "female", 1 }));
public void givenInUK_whenBobSendsSixMessages_thenCorrectMessage() {
assertEquals("Bob has sent you 6 messages.", ICUFormat.getLabel(Locale.UK, new Object[] { "Bob", "male", 6 }));
public void givenInItaly_whenAliceSendsNothing_thenCorrectMessage() {
assertEquals("Alice non ti ha inviato nessun messaggio.", ICUFormat.getLabel(Locale.ITALY, new Object[] { "Alice", "female", 0 }));
public void givenInItaly_whenAliceSendsOneMessage_thenCorrectMessage() {
assertEquals("Alice ti ha inviato un messaggio.", ICUFormat.getLabel(Locale.ITALY, new Object[] { "Alice", "female", 1 }));
public void givenInItaly_whenBobSendsSixMessages_thenCorrectMessage() {
assertEquals("Bob ti ha inviato 6 messaggi.", ICUFormat.getLabel(Locale.ITALY, new Object[] { "Bob", "male", 6 }));
public void givenInFrance_whenAliceSendsNothing_thenCorrectMessage() {
assertEquals("Alice ne vous a envoyé aucun message.", ICUFormat.getLabel(Locale.FRANCE, new Object[] { "Alice", "female", 0 }));
public void givenInFrance_whenAliceSendsOneMessage_thenCorrectMessage() {
assertEquals("Alice vous a envoyé un message.", ICUFormat.getLabel(Locale.FRANCE, new Object[] { "Alice", "female", 1 }));
public void givenInFrance_whenBobSendsSixMessages_thenCorrectMessage() {
assertEquals("Bob vous a envoyé 6 messages.", ICUFormat.getLabel(Locale.FRANCE, new Object[] { "Bob", "male", 6 }));
public void givenInPoland_whenAliceSendsNothing_thenCorrectMessage() {
assertEquals("Alice nie wysłała ci żadnej wiadomości.", ICUFormat.getLabel(Locale.forLanguageTag("pl-PL"), new Object[] { "Alice", "female", 0 }));
public void givenInPoland_whenAliceSendsOneMessage_thenCorrectMessage() {
assertEquals("Alice wysłała ci wiadomość.", ICUFormat.getLabel(Locale.forLanguageTag("pl-PL"), new Object[] { "Alice", "female", 1 }));
public void givenInPoland_whenBobSendsSixMessages_thenCorrectMessage() {
assertEquals("Bob wysłał ci 6 wiadomości.", ICUFormat.getLabel(Locale.forLanguageTag("pl-PL"), new Object[] { "Bob", "male", 6 }));
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
Reference in New Issue