BAEL-965 - reverting to anonymous classes

This commit is contained in:
slavisa-baeldung 2017-07-08 07:36:06 +01:00
parent 647455b029
commit 94ee35bed7

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@ -54,8 +54,10 @@ public class CollectionUtilsGuideTest {
public void givenListOfCustomers_whenTransformed_thenListOfAddress() {
Collection<Address> addressCol = CollectionUtils.collect(list1, customer -> {
return new Address(customer.getLocality(), customer.getCity(), customer.getZip());
Collection<Address> addressCol = CollectionUtils.collect(list1, new Transformer<Customer, Address>() {
public Address transform(Customer customer) {
return new Address(customer.getLocality(), customer.getCity(), customer.getZip());
List<Address> addressList = new ArrayList<>(addressCol);
@ -65,9 +67,13 @@ public class CollectionUtilsGuideTest {
public void givenCustomerList_whenFiltered_thenCorrectSize() {
boolean isModified = CollectionUtils.filter(linkedList1, customer -> Arrays.asList("Daniel","Kyle").contains(customer.getName()));
boolean isModified = CollectionUtils.filter(linkedList1, new Predicate<Customer>() {
public boolean evaluate(Customer customer) {
return Arrays.asList("Daniel","Kyle").contains(customer.getName());
//filterInverse does the opposite. It removes the element from the list if the Predicate returns true
//select and selectRejected work the same way except that they do not remove elements from the given collection and return a new collection