Guide to java.util.Arrays

Issue: BAEL-1765
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smokeyrobot 2018-06-11 10:10:38 -04:00 committed by Josh Cummings
parent a54c9e0c9e
commit b5dc7fa1af
1 changed files with 153 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
package com.baeldung.arrays;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.rules.ExpectedException;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
public class ArraysUnitTest {
private String[] intro;
public final ExpectedException exception = ExpectedException.none();
public void setup() {
intro = new String[] { "once", "upon", "a", "time" };
public void whenCopyOfRange_thenAbridgedArray() {
String[] abridgement = Arrays.copyOfRange(intro, 0, 3);
assertArrayEquals(new String[] { "once", "upon", "a" }, abridgement);
assertFalse(Arrays.equals(intro, abridgement));
public void whenCopyOf_thenNullElement() {
String[] revised = Arrays.copyOf(intro, 3);
String[] expanded = Arrays.copyOf(intro, 5);
assertArrayEquals(Arrays.copyOfRange(intro, 0, 3), revised);
public void whenFill_thenAllMatch() {
String[] stutter = new String[3];
Arrays.fill(stutter, "once");
assertTrue(Stream.of(stutter).allMatch(el -> "once".equals(el)));
public void whenEqualsContent_thenMatch() {
assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new String[] { "once", "upon", "a", "time" }, intro));
assertFalse(Arrays.equals(new String[] { "once", "upon", "a", null }, intro));
public void whenNestedArrays_thenDeepEqualsPass() {
String[] end = { "the", "end" };
Object[] story = new Object[] { intro, new String[] { "chapter one", "chapter two" }, end };
Object[] copy = new Object[] { intro, new String[] { "chapter one", "chapter two" }, end };
assertTrue(Arrays.deepEquals(story, copy));
assertFalse(Arrays.equals(story, copy));
public void whenSort_thenArraySorted() {
String[] sorted = Arrays.copyOf(intro, 4);
assertArrayEquals(new String[] { "a", "once", "time", "upon" }, sorted);
public void whenBinarySearch_thenFindElements() {
String[] sorted = Arrays.copyOf(intro, 4);
int exact = Arrays.binarySearch(sorted, "time");
int caseInsensitive = Arrays.binarySearch(sorted, "TiMe", String::compareToIgnoreCase);
assertEquals("time", sorted[exact]);
assertEquals(2, exact);
assertEquals(exact, caseInsensitive);
public void whenNullElement_thenArraysHashCodeNotEqual() {
int beforeChange = Arrays.hashCode(intro);
int before = intro.hashCode();
intro[3] = null;
int after = intro.hashCode();
int afterChange = Arrays.hashCode(intro);
assertNotEquals(beforeChange, afterChange);
assertEquals(before, after);
public void whenNestedArrayNullElement_thenEqualsFailDeepHashPass() {
Object[] looping = new Object[] { intro, intro };
int deepHashBefore = Arrays.deepHashCode(looping);
int hashBefore = Arrays.hashCode(looping);
intro[3] = null;
int hashAfter = Arrays.hashCode(looping);
int deepHashAfter = Arrays.deepHashCode(looping);
assertEquals(hashAfter, hashBefore);
assertNotEquals(deepHashAfter, deepHashBefore);
public void whenStreamBadIndex_thenException() {
assertEquals(, 4);
exception.expect(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.class);, 2, 1).count();
public void whenSetAllToUpper_thenAppliedToAllElements() {
String[] longAgo = new String[4];
Arrays.setAll(longAgo, i -> intro[i].toUpperCase());
assertArrayEquals(longAgo, new String[] { "ONCE", "UPON", "A", "TIME" });
public void whenToString_thenFormattedArrayString() {
assertEquals("[once, upon, a, time]", Arrays.toString(intro));
public void whenNestedArrayDeepString_thenFormattedArraysString() {
String[] end = { "the", "end" };
Object[] story = new Object[] { intro, new String[] { "chapter one", "chapter two" }, end };
assertEquals("[[once, upon, a, time], [chapter one, chapter two], [the, end]]", Arrays.deepToString(story));
public void whenAsList_thenImmutableArray() {
List<String> rets = Arrays.asList(intro);
assertEquals(rets.size(), 4);