BAEL-2766 Maps in Groovy

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Josephine Barboza 2019-03-30 14:28:28 +05:30
parent 32ae967b76
commit cef5964b6b
1 changed files with 146 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
import static groovy.test.GroovyAssert.*
import org.junit.Test
class MapTest{
void createMap() {
def emptyMap = [:]
assertTrue(emptyMap instanceof java.util.LinkedHashMap)
def map = [name:"Jerry", age: 42, city: "New York"]
assertTrue(map.size() == 3)
void addItemsToMap() {
def map = [name:"Jerry"]
map["age"] = 42 = "New York"
def hobbyLiteral = "hobby"
def hobbyMap = [(hobbyLiteral): "Singing"]
assertTrue(map == [name:"Jerry", age: 42, city: "New York", hobby:"Singing"])[1:20]) // returns new map
map << [2:30]
void getItemsFromMap() {
def map = [name:"Jerry", age: 42, city: "New York", hobby:"Singing"]
assertTrue(map["name"] == "Jerry")
assertTrue( == "Jerry")
def propertyAge = "age"
assertTrue(map[propertyAge] == 42)
void removeItemsFromMap() {
def map = [1:20, a:30, 2:42, 4:34, ba:67, 6:39, 7:49]
def minusMap = map.minus([2:42, 4:34]);
assertTrue(minusMap == [1:20, a:30, ba:67, 6:39, 7:49])
minusMap.removeAll{it -> it.key instanceof String}
assertTrue( minusMap == [ 1:20, 6:39, 7:49])
minusMap.retainAll{it -> it.value %2 == 0}
assertTrue( minusMap == [1:20])
void iteratingOnMaps(){
def map = [name:"Jerry", age: 42, city: "New York", hobby:"Singing"]
map.each{ entry -> println "$entry.key: $entry.value" }
map.eachWithIndex{ entry, i -> println "$i $entry.key: $entry.value" }
map.eachWithIndex{ key, value, i -> println "$i $key: $value" }
void filteringAndSearchingMaps(){
def map = [name:"Jerry", age: 42, city: "New York", hobby:"Singing"]
assertTrue(map.find{ it.value == "New York"}.key == "city")
assertTrue(map.findAll{ it.value == "New York"} == [city : "New York"])
map.grep{it.value == "New York"}.each{ it -> assertTrue(it.key == "city" && it.value == "New York")}
assertTrue(map.every{it -> it.value instanceof String} == false)
assertTrue(map.any{it -> it.value instanceof String} == true)
void collect(){
def map = [1: [name:"Jerry", age: 42, city: "New York"],
2: [name:"Long", age: 25, city: "New York"],
3: [name:"Dustin", age: 29, city: "New York"],
4: [name:"Dustin", age: 34, city: "New York"]]
def names = map.collect{entry ->} // returns only list
assertTrue(names == ["Jerry", "Long", "Dustin", "Dustin"])
def uniqueNames = map.collect([] as HashSet){entry ->}
assertTrue(uniqueNames == ["Jerry", "Long", "Dustin"] as Set)
def idNames = map.collectEntries{key, value -> [key,]}
assertTrue(idNames == [1:"Jerry", 2: "Long", 3:"Dustin", 4: "Dustin"])
def below30Names = map.findAll{it.value.age < 30}.collect{key, value ->}
assertTrue(below30Names == ["Long", "Dustin"])
void group(){
def map = [1:20, 2: 40, 3: 11, 4: 93]
def subMap = map.groupBy{it.value % 2}
println subMap
assertTrue(subMap == [0:[1:20, 2:40 ], 1:[3:11, 4:93]])
def keySubMap = map.subMap([1, 2])
assertTrue(keySubMap == [1:20, 2:40])
void sorting(){
def map = [ab:20, a: 40, cb: 11, ba: 93]
def naturallyOrderedMap = map.sort()
assertTrue([a:40, ab:20, ba:93, cb:11] == naturallyOrderedMap)
def compSortedMap = map.sort({ k1, k2 -> k1 <=> k2 } as Comparator)
assertTrue([a:40, ab:20, ba:93, cb:11] == compSortedMap)
def cloSortedMap = map.sort({ it1, it2 -> it1.value <=> it1.value })
assertTrue([cb:11, ab:20, a:40, ba:93] == cloSortedMap)