[BAEL-5907] flatbuffers (#15969)
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// automatically generated by the FlatBuffers compiler, do not modify
package MyGame.terrains;
public final class Color {
private Color() { }
public static final byte Brown = 0;
public static final byte Red = 1;
public static final byte Green = 2;
public static final byte Blue = 3;
public static final byte White = 4;
public static final String[] names = { "Brown", "Red", "Green", "Blue", "White", };
public static String name(int e) { return names[e]; }
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
// automatically generated by the FlatBuffers compiler, do not modify
package MyGame.terrains;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import com.google.flatbuffers.BaseVector;
import com.google.flatbuffers.Constants;
import com.google.flatbuffers.FlatBufferBuilder;
import com.google.flatbuffers.Table;
public final class Effect extends Table {
public static void ValidateVersion() { Constants.FLATBUFFERS_23_5_26(); }
public static Effect getRootAsEffect(ByteBuffer _bb) { return getRootAsEffect(_bb, new Effect()); }
public static Effect getRootAsEffect(ByteBuffer _bb, Effect obj) { _bb.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); return (obj.__assign(_bb.getInt(_bb.position()) + _bb.position(), _bb)); }
public void __init(int _i, ByteBuffer _bb) { __reset(_i, _bb); }
public Effect __assign(int _i, ByteBuffer _bb) { __init(_i, _bb); return this; }
public String name() { int o = __offset(4); return o != 0 ? __string(o + bb_pos) : null; }
public ByteBuffer nameAsByteBuffer() { return __vector_as_bytebuffer(4, 1); }
public ByteBuffer nameInByteBuffer(ByteBuffer _bb) { return __vector_in_bytebuffer(_bb, 4, 1); }
public short damage() { int o = __offset(6); return o != 0 ? bb.getShort(o + bb_pos) : 0; }
public boolean mutateDamage(short damage) { int o = __offset(6); if (o != 0) { bb.putShort(o + bb_pos, damage); return true; } else { return false; } }
public static int createEffect(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
int nameOffset,
short damage) {
Effect.addName(builder, nameOffset);
Effect.addDamage(builder, damage);
return Effect.endEffect(builder);
public static void startEffect(FlatBufferBuilder builder) { builder.startTable(2); }
public static void addName(FlatBufferBuilder builder, int nameOffset) { builder.addOffset(0, nameOffset, 0); }
public static void addDamage(FlatBufferBuilder builder, short damage) { builder.addShort(1, damage, 0); }
public static int endEffect(FlatBufferBuilder builder) {
int o = builder.endTable();
return o;
public static final class Vector extends BaseVector {
public Vector __assign(int _vector, int _element_size, ByteBuffer _bb) { __reset(_vector, _element_size, _bb); return this; }
public Effect get(int j) { return get(new Effect(), j); }
public Effect get(Effect obj, int j) { return obj.__assign(__indirect(__element(j), bb), bb); }
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
// automatically generated by the FlatBuffers compiler, do not modify
package MyGame.terrains;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import com.google.flatbuffers.BaseVector;
import com.google.flatbuffers.Constants;
import com.google.flatbuffers.FlatBufferBuilder;
import com.google.flatbuffers.Table;
public final class Terrain extends Table {
public static void ValidateVersion() { Constants.FLATBUFFERS_23_5_26(); }
public static Terrain getRootAsTerrain(ByteBuffer _bb) { return getRootAsTerrain(_bb, new Terrain()); }
public static Terrain getRootAsTerrain(ByteBuffer _bb, Terrain obj) { _bb.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); return (obj.__assign(_bb.getInt(_bb.position()) + _bb.position(), _bb)); }
public void __init(int _i, ByteBuffer _bb) { __reset(_i, _bb); }
public Terrain __assign(int _i, ByteBuffer _bb) { __init(_i, _bb); return this; }
public MyGame.terrains.Vec3 pos() { return pos(new MyGame.terrains.Vec3()); }
public MyGame.terrains.Vec3 pos(MyGame.terrains.Vec3 obj) { int o = __offset(4); return o != 0 ? obj.__assign(o + bb_pos, bb) : null; }
public String name() { int o = __offset(6); return o != 0 ? __string(o + bb_pos) : null; }
public ByteBuffer nameAsByteBuffer() { return __vector_as_bytebuffer(6, 1); }
public ByteBuffer nameInByteBuffer(ByteBuffer _bb) { return __vector_in_bytebuffer(_bb, 6, 1); }
public byte color() { int o = __offset(8); return o != 0 ? bb.get(o + bb_pos) : 3; }
public boolean mutateColor(byte color) { int o = __offset(8); if (o != 0) { bb.put(o + bb_pos, color); return true; } else { return false; } }
public String navigation() { int o = __offset(10); return o != 0 ? __string(o + bb_pos) : null; }
public ByteBuffer navigationAsByteBuffer() { return __vector_as_bytebuffer(10, 1); }
public ByteBuffer navigationInByteBuffer(ByteBuffer _bb) { return __vector_in_bytebuffer(_bb, 10, 1); }
public MyGame.terrains.Effect effects(int j) { return effects(new MyGame.terrains.Effect(), j); }
public MyGame.terrains.Effect effects(MyGame.terrains.Effect obj, int j) { int o = __offset(12); return o != 0 ? obj.__assign(__indirect(__vector(o) + j * 4), bb) : null; }
public int effectsLength() { int o = __offset(12); return o != 0 ? __vector_len(o) : 0; }
public MyGame.terrains.Effect.Vector effectsVector() { return effectsVector(new MyGame.terrains.Effect.Vector()); }
public MyGame.terrains.Effect.Vector effectsVector(MyGame.terrains.Effect.Vector obj) { int o = __offset(12); return o != 0 ? obj.__assign(__vector(o), 4, bb) : null; }
public static void startTerrain(FlatBufferBuilder builder) { builder.startTable(5); }
public static void addPos(FlatBufferBuilder builder, int posOffset) { builder.addStruct(0, posOffset, 0); }
public static void addName(FlatBufferBuilder builder, int nameOffset) { builder.addOffset(1, nameOffset, 0); }
public static void addColor(FlatBufferBuilder builder, byte color) { builder.addByte(2, color, 3); }
public static void addNavigation(FlatBufferBuilder builder, int navigationOffset) { builder.addOffset(3, navigationOffset, 0); }
public static void addEffects(FlatBufferBuilder builder, int effectsOffset) { builder.addOffset(4, effectsOffset, 0); }
public static int createEffectsVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, int[] data) { builder.startVector(4, data.length, 4); for (int i = data.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) builder.addOffset(data[i]); return builder.endVector(); }
public static void startEffectsVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, int numElems) { builder.startVector(4, numElems, 4); }
public static int endTerrain(FlatBufferBuilder builder) {
int o = builder.endTable();
return o;
public static void finishTerrainBuffer(FlatBufferBuilder builder, int offset) { builder.finish(offset); }
public static void finishSizePrefixedTerrainBuffer(FlatBufferBuilder builder, int offset) { builder.finishSizePrefixed(offset); }
public static final class Vector extends BaseVector {
public Vector __assign(int _vector, int _element_size, ByteBuffer _bb) { __reset(_vector, _element_size, _bb); return this; }
public Terrain get(int j) { return get(new Terrain(), j); }
public Terrain get(Terrain obj, int j) { return obj.__assign(__indirect(__element(j), bb), bb); }
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
// automatically generated by the FlatBuffers compiler, do not modify
package MyGame.terrains;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import com.google.flatbuffers.BaseVector;
import com.google.flatbuffers.FlatBufferBuilder;
import com.google.flatbuffers.Struct;
public final class Vec3 extends Struct {
public void __init(int _i, ByteBuffer _bb) { __reset(_i, _bb); }
public Vec3 __assign(int _i, ByteBuffer _bb) { __init(_i, _bb); return this; }
public float x() { return bb.getFloat(bb_pos + 0); }
public void mutateX(float x) { bb.putFloat(bb_pos + 0, x); }
public float y() { return bb.getFloat(bb_pos + 4); }
public void mutateY(float y) { bb.putFloat(bb_pos + 4, y); }
public float z() { return bb.getFloat(bb_pos + 8); }
public void mutateZ(float z) { bb.putFloat(bb_pos + 8, z); }
public static int createVec3(FlatBufferBuilder builder, float x, float y, float z) {
builder.prep(4, 12);
return builder.offset();
public static final class Vector extends BaseVector {
public Vector __assign(int _vector, int _element_size, ByteBuffer _bb) { __reset(_vector, _element_size, _bb); return this; }
public Vec3 get(int j) { return get(new Vec3(), j); }
public Vec3 get(Vec3 obj, int j) { return obj.__assign(__element(j), bb); }
@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
package com.baeldung.flatbuffers;
import static MyGame.terrains.Terrain.addColor;
import static MyGame.terrains.Terrain.addEffects;
import static MyGame.terrains.Terrain.addNavigation;
import static MyGame.terrains.Terrain.endTerrain;
import static MyGame.terrains.Terrain.startTerrain;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import com.google.flatbuffers.FlatBufferBuilder;
import MyGame.terrains.Effect;
import MyGame.terrains.Terrain;
public class MyGameMain {
public byte[] serialiseDesertTerrainData() {
int INITIAL_BUFFER = 1024;
FlatBufferBuilder builder = new FlatBufferBuilder(INITIAL_BUFFER);
int sandstormOffset = builder.createString("Sandstorm");
short damage = 3;
int sandStorm = MyGame.terrains.Effect.createEffect(builder, sandstormOffset, damage);
int droughtOffset = builder.createString("Drought");
short damageDrought = 1;
int drought = MyGame.terrains.Effect.createEffect(builder, droughtOffset, damageDrought);
int[] effects = new int[2];
effects[0] = sandStorm;
effects[1] = drought;
byte color = MyGame.terrains.Color.Brown;
int terrainName = builder.createString("Desert");
int navigationName = builder.createString("south");
int effectOffset = MyGame.terrains.Terrain.createEffectsVector(builder, effects);
MyGame.terrains.Terrain.addName(builder, terrainName);
addColor(builder, color);
addNavigation(builder, navigationName);
addEffects(builder, effectOffset);
int desert = endTerrain(builder);
return builder.sizedByteArray();
public MyGame.terrains.Terrain deserialiseDataToTerrain(byte[] buffer) {
ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(buffer);
return Terrain.getRootAsTerrain(buf);
public Effect.Vector deserialiseDataToEffect(byte[] buffer) {
ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(buffer);
return Terrain.getRootAsTerrain(buf)
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
namespace MyGame.terrains;
enum Color:byte { Brown = 0, Red = 1, Green = 2, Blue = 3, White = 4 }
struct Vec3 {
table Terrain {
pos:Vec3; // Struct.
name: string;
color:Color = Blue;
navigation: string;
effects: [Effect];
table Effect {
name: string;
damage: short;
root_type Terrain;
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
package flatbuffers;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
import com.baeldung.flatbuffers.MyGameMain;
import MyGame.terrains.Effect;
public class FlatBufferGameUnitTest {
public void givenTerrainEffect_whenSerialisedWithValues_returnBytes() {
MyGameMain myGame = new MyGameMain();
byte[] bytes = myGame.serialiseDesertTerrainData();
public void givenSerialisedBytes_whenDeSerialised_returnsTerrain() {
MyGameMain myGame = new MyGameMain();
byte[] bytes = myGame.serialiseDesertTerrainData();
MyGame.terrains.Terrain terrain = myGame.deserialiseDataToTerrain(bytes);
Assert.assertEquals(terrain.name(), "Desert");
Assert.assertEquals(terrain.navigation(), "south");
Assert.assertEquals(MyGame.terrains.Color.name(terrain.color()), "Brown");
public void givenSerialisedBytes_whenDeSerialised_returnsTerrainEffect() {
MyGameMain myGame = new MyGameMain();
byte[] bytes = myGame.serialiseDesertTerrainData();
Effect.Vector effectsVector = myGame.deserialiseDataToEffect(bytes);
Assert.assertEquals(effectsVector.get(0).name(), "Sandstorm");
Assert.assertEquals(effectsVector.get(1).name(), "Drought");
Assert.assertEquals(effectsVector.get(1).damage(), 1);
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