- updated logback-classic version
- updated logback.xml to have only one appender for new classes
- added sample parameterized logging and fluent logging
Added logback-core version 1.3.5 to pom
Added slf4j version 2.0.4 to pom
Updated javax.mail version to 1.6.2. Namespace changed to com.sun.mail
Updated javax.activation to version 1.6.2
All changes had to be compatible with jdk 1.8
Added logbak-core-1.3.5 to pom
Updated logback.version to 1.3.5
Added slf4j - 2.0.4 to pom
Updated javax.mail from 1.4.7 to javax.mail-api 1.6.2
Updated javax.activation to javax.activation-api 1.2.0
Ran both mvn clean verify and
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.baeldung.logback.Example" without