* BAEL-4220 | A Guide to IllegalAccessError and when it happens
* BAEL-4220 | A Guide to IllegalAccessError and when it happens | fix tests
* BAEL-4220 | A Guide to IllegalAccessError and when it happens | fix tests
* BAEL-4220 | A Guide to IllegalAccessError and when it happens | BDD test names
* BAEL-4494 | .toArray(new MyClass[0]) or .toArray(new MyClass[myList.size()])?
* BAEL-4494 | .toArray(new MyClass[0]) or .toArray(new MyClass[myList.size()])?
* BAEL-4933 | Differences between static classes and the singleton pattern in Java
Co-authored-by: root <anmoldeep0123@gmail.com>
* [JAVA-1657] core-java-modules JUnit and Maven Surefire Plugin upgrade
* [JAVA-1657] Changed sub modules parents to core-java-modules and core-java-modules to parent-java
* [JAVA-1657] Upgraded JUnit Jupiter version
* [JAVA-1657] Get JUnit 4 dependency transitively
* Putting test classes directly under abstractclasses package (no need
for test subpackage, we're already in test sources)
* Removed unnecessary keyword package to just let superkeyword
* Renamed scope package to variableandmethodhiding
* Renamed package basicmethods into methods
* Putting test classes directly under methodoverloadingoverriding package (no need for test subpackage, we're already in test sources)
* Moved publicmodifier package under com.baeldung as it contains code from a separate article
* Moved privatemodifier under com.baeldung as it was under an unnecessary core package
* Renamed staticdemo package into staticmodifier (was more adequate with other modifiers articles)
* Putting test classes directly under defaultstaticinterfacemethods package (no need for test subpackage, we're already in test sources)
* Moved thiskeyword package to com.baeldung instead of under keywords package