* fixed Spring Context Test in spring-data-rest-querydsl module
* fixed spring-ejb/spring-ejb-client Context tests, removed ContextIntegrationTest and added a note to the ContextLiveTest. Plus, redefined spring-ejb-remote url in pom, it was not working properly'
* Fixed Context test in spring-remoting/remoting-jms/remoting-jms-server, added notes for Live Test
* Fixed Context test in spring-remoting/remoting-rmi\remoting-rmi-server, added notes for Live Test
* Fixed Context test in spring-rest-query-language, added note for ContextTest and deleter ContextIntegrationTest
* renamed SpringContextIntegrationTest to SpringContextTest, as per comment in BAEL-14304
* BAEL-15951 Moved vavr, JHipster to default profiles
* BAEL-14304 Include the SpringContextIntegrationTest in the default build
- Added SpringContextTest.java in all the modules where SpringContextIntegrationTest already exists
* BAEL-14304 Changes in pmd rule and pom.xml to run UnitTest and SpringContextTest additionally in default profiles
* BAEL-14304 Minor changes
* Renamed Integrationtests that needed the project (or related project, in case of client-server) as LiveTests
* Fixed migration of mustache module to make it compatible with spring-boot 2.1