* Added implementation and test class
* Added more details
* Updated tests
* Added implementation and test class
* Added more details
* Updated tests
* Updated code as per review comments
* BAEL-2344 Moved files to new hibernate5 module
* Added writer
* Added implementation and test class
* Added more details
* Updated tests
* Updated code as per review comments
* Added test class and one named query
* Updated test class
* Added update HQL
* Added new initialisation script and new queries
* Corrected queries
* Removed commented code
* Added implementation and test class
* Added more details
* Updated tests
* Updated code as per review comments
* Added test class and one named query
* Updated test class
* Added update HQL
* Added new initialisation script and new queries
* Corrected queries
* Removed commented code
* BAEL-2344 Moved classes to new hibernate5 module
* BAEL-2344 Moved files to new hibernate5 module
* Added writer
* Added implementation and test class
* Added more details
* Updated tests
* Updated code as per review comments
* Added test class and one named query
* Updated test class
* Added update HQL
* Added new initialisation script and new queries
* Corrected queries
* Removed commented code
* printf examples
Issue: BAEL-2228
* Update README.md
* Added implementation and test class
* Added more details
* Updated tests
* Updated code as per review comments
* Added test class and one named query
* Updated test class
* Added update HQL
* Added new initialisation script and new queries
* Corrected queries
* Removed commented code
* BAEL-2203 - Convert java.time.Instant to java.sql.Timestamp and vice-versa
* BAEL-2203: Review edits
* Removed ZoneId code
* Converted class to JUnit Test
* Update and rename ConvertInstantToTimestampTest.java to ConvertInstantToTimestampUnitTest.java
* BAEL-2403: Immutable Map implementations in Java
* BAEL-2403: Immutable Map implementations in Java - Changed file name
* added example code for BAEL-2366
* moved example code for BAEL-2366
* example code for BAEL-1961
* moved example code into integration test
* updated the test assertions
* refactor the spring boot persistence mongodb module
* remove redundant example code
* declared the spring boot persistence module in the root pom
* fixed issue with non-imported file