* baeldung-articles : BAEL-7644
Include null value in JSON serialization (Main)
* baeldung-articles : BAEL-7644
Include null value in JSON serialization (Test).
* Update pom.xml
* Add files via upload
* This commit is related to BAEL-6922
This commit aims to add a test class named ExcelToJsonUnitTest that provides ways to convert Excel to JSON in Java.
* Update ExcelToJsonUnitTest.java
* Update ExcelToJsonUnitTest.java
* This commit is related to BAEL-6102
This commit aims to add a main class for the article "Preventing Gson from Expressing Integers as Floats".
* This commit is related to BAEL-6102
This commit aims to add a test class "PreventExpressingIntAsFloatUnitTest.java" for the article "Preventing Gson from Expressing Integers as Floats".
Commit for the article "Convert Byte Array to JSON and Vice Versa in Java" which adds the "ByteArrayToJsonAndViceVersaUnitTest" class to convert a byte array to JSON and vicе vеrsa in Java.
Commit for the article "Convert Byte Array to JSON and Vice Versa in Java" which adds the "ByteArrayToJsonAndViseVerseUnitTest" class to convert a byte array to JSON and vicе vеrsa in Java.
* BAEL-6692 - converting json to map and comparing
* BAEL-6692 - converting json to map and comparing
* BAEL-6692 - converting json to map and comparing