* injecting beans
* XML-based configuration replaced with Java Config.
* [BAEL-431] Exploring TestRestTemplate.
* Revert of evaluation task "XML-based configuration replaced with Java Config."
This reverts commit 66471cf0574c85f8ff514ec4caf5ba44ebba1a74.
* Revert of evaluation task "injecting beans"
This reverts commit d2ac20185e636245bc0ae0b4ccb952965de88e28.
* [BAEL-431] fix to the tests in TestRestTemplateBasicLiveTest.
* [BAEL-431] added more meaningful user and password for auth.
* Add NDC and JBoss Logging to the demo application
* NDC for Log4j, Log4j2 and JBoss Logging
* Simplify NDC example by making it a single operation instead of two
* Make NDC example as RestController, Use JBoss Logging only as a logging bridge
* Fix merge conflicts in pull request - log-mdc pom.xml updated
* BAEL-445 Update to Spring security SpEL example
* BAEL-445: Change tabs to spaces in the updated code
* BAEL-245: Add Enum Serialization exmaple
* BAEL-245: Remove the folder jackson/src/test/java/com/baeldung/jackson/dtos/withEnum as the example is not used anymore
* Add more enum serialization examples to align with previous example and prevent build fail
* BAEL-611: Minor formatting changes
* BAEL-611: Update Test case method names
* Solr w Apache SolrJ
* Solr w Apache SolrJ
* updated test names and moved add to @before method
* create apache-solrj module, moved code from spring-data-solr
* More examples for indexing,delete,and query for solrj
* More examples for indexing,delete,and query for solrj
* Jackson Map Serialize/Deserialize
* Jackson Map Serialize/Deserialize
* Jackson version update
* keydeserializer code added
* keydeserializer code added
* remove explicit types from map instantion
* BAEL-756 code for kotlin null-safety article
* BAEL-756 fix typo
* BAEL-756 increment version of Kotlin
* BAEL-756 remove duplicate form pom
* BAEL-756 add also and run example
* Solr w Apache SolrJ
* Solr w Apache SolrJ
* updated test names and moved add to @before method
* create apache-solrj module, moved code from spring-data-solr
* More examples for indexing,delete,and query for solrj
* More examples for indexing,delete,and query for solrj
* Jackson Map Serialize/Deserialize
* Jackson Map Serialize/Deserialize
* Jackson version update
* keydeserializer code added
* keydeserializer code added
* Initial commit for Comparator.comparing article.
* Changes in the code as per suggestions in review.
* Change in test names as per suggestions...
* Changes in tests names for nullFirst and nullLast cases
* clean up.
* Solr w Apache SolrJ
* Solr w Apache SolrJ
* updated test names and moved add to @before method
* create apache-solrj module, moved code from spring-data-solr
* More examples for indexing,delete,and query for solrj
* More examples for indexing,delete,and query for solrj
* Jackson Map Serialize/Deserialize
* Jackson Map Serialize/Deserialize
* Jackson version update
* Solr w Apache SolrJ
* Solr w Apache SolrJ
* updated test names and moved add to @before method
* create apache-solrj module, moved code from spring-data-solr
* More examples for indexing,delete,and query for solrj
* More examples for indexing,delete,and query for solrj
* Jackson Map Serialize/Deserialize
* Jackson Map Serialize/Deserialize
* BEEL-518 code for protobuf article
* BEEL-518 add generated protobuf class
* BEEL-550 use newest version of protobuff
* BAEL-518 Small refactoring in protobuffer module
* BEEL-518 simpler protobuf example
* BEEL-518 proper package
* solr-fulltext-search module created
* solr-fulltext-search modue created
* solr-fulltext-search change
* pom changes merged from upstream
* removed integration tests from mvn build
* Refactoring test class
* removed test profile
* module solr-fulltext-search changed to solr
* module solr added in parent pom
* delete file
* removed unused file, changed test to default solr port
* yasin.bhojawala@gmail.com
Evaluation article on Different Types of Bean Injection in Spring
* Revert "yasin.bhojawala@gmail.com"
This reverts commit 963cc51a7a15b75b550108fe4e198cd65a274032.
* Fixing compilation error and removing unused import
* Introduction to Java9 StackWalking API - yasin.bhojawala@gmail.com
Code examples for the article "Introduction to Java9 StackWalking API"
* BAEL-608 Introduction to Java9 StackWalking API
* BAEL-608 Introduction to Java9 StackWalking API
changing the test names to BDD style
* BAEL-608 Introduction to Java9 StackWalking API
correcting the typo
* BAEL-608 Introduction to Java9 StackWalking API
improving method names
* BAEL-608 Introduction to Java9 StackWalking API
test method names improvements
* BAEL-718 Quick intro to javatuples
* merging pom from master
* BAEL-722 Intro to JSONassert
* BAEL-722 Intro to JSONassert
Updated to 1.5.0
* BAEL-745 Quick Math.pow example