* BAEL-1712 Fix tests in libraries project
-Renamed 45 test files to standard naming conventions.
-Updated maven dependencies in libraries/pom.xml
-Fixed assertion errors in some tests.
-Included libraries project back into parent pom.xml
* BAEL-1712 Fix tests in libraries project
-Downgraded apache maven pmd plugin from 3.9.0 to 3.8 because pmd 6.0.1 present in pmd plugin 3.9.0 was unable to resolve classes having static final inner classes and was resulting into build failure.
* BAEL-1712 Fix libraries
-Fixed JodaTimeUnitTest
* Add example for FTP client
Using Apache Commons Net
* Add missing resource
* Fix wrong file download in integration test
* Add example for using FTP support in JDK
* Close input stream after copy
* Fix test name
* [BAEL-1615] Code to support article.
* Adding example of provides...with
* Adding uses to main module
* [BAEL-1659] Creat REST microservices with javalin
* [BAEL-1659] Update article code based on feedback
* Revert parent pom change
* Using Optional instead of null
* Code for test article: Different Types of Bean Injection in Spring
* Adding jUnits for test article: Different Types of Bean Injection in Spring
* BAEL-1265: Adding jUnit for article
* BAEL-1265: Closing ExecutorService in jUnit
* BAEL-1487: Adding test for AsyncHtpClient tutorial
* Initialize smooks subproject
* Add Smooks dependency
* Delete files form badly created submodule
* Add domain classes
* Create class responsible for converting Orders
* Create class responsible for validating messages
* Add configuration file
* Add integration tests for Smooks converters and validators
* ADd en_US locale and fix date format
* Fix number format in expected messages
* Delete unused mapping
* Remove unused conversion to JSON
* Add assertion for ruleName in givenIncorrectOrderXML_whenValidate_thenExpectValidationErrors
* Implemented server factory and its tests. Changed Jetty version to latest, removed duplicate entry and added jetty-webapp dependency in pom.xml.
* Added missing war file and changed tests port for Travis build.
* added updated example codes
* updated example code StringToCharStream
* deleted StringToCharStream.java locally
* removed redundant file
* added code for apache commons collection SetUtils
* refactored example code
* added example code for bytebuddy
* added example code for PCollections
* update pom
* refactored tests for PCollections
* spring security xml config
* spring security xml config
* remove redundant comment
* example code for apache-shiro
* updated example code for Vavr Collections
* updated Vavr's Collection example
* updated Vavr Collection file
* updated example code for Apache Shiro
* updated Vavr Collections example
* added example code for N1QL
* update example code for N1QL
* added integration test for N1QL
* update N1QL Example code
* update the N1QL example Code
* rename module to couchbase
* rename module to couchbase
* change module name in parent module and pom
* added cas-server module
* added cas secured app for Spring SSO with CAS
* refactor cas modules into cas folder
* updated files
* removed redundant files
* refactor the config for cas-server
* added sql file to generate tables and database
* added source code for VRaptor
* update source code for VRaptor article
* update pom and reformat code
* add example code for BAEL-1439
* updated code for netty exceptions