* BAEL-5328
First draft of the code to the article:
* BAEL-5328
Fixed comment. Used entry point instead of endpoint
* BAEL-5328
Added SecurityFilterChain configuration to allow requests to:
* "/api/auth/**", "/swagger-ui-custom.html" ,"/swagger-ui.html", "/swagger-ui/**", "/v3/api-docs/**", "/webjars/**", "/swagger-ui/index.html","/api-docs/**"
As the spring-boot-starter-security has been started we need to add it to keep this article, simple.
Fixed description of the login() method for the 200 httpstatus response
* BAEL-5328
Added required attribute in @RequestBody of the login() method
* BAEL-5328
Code formatting
* Added code for checking if a class is abstract or not.
* Renamed test name as per review comments.
* BAEL-4695 - Added code to evaluate math expressions.
* BAEL-4695 - Added test case for math function.
* BAEL-4695 Added consistent examples and entry in parent pom.
* BAEL-4695 - Added more examples
* BAEL-4710 - Hiding endpoints using @Hidden
* Removed the commented code
* Upgrading the Spring Doc Version
* Adding the Pageable Example
In order to use `Pageable`, I had to add `spring-data-jpa` dep and H2. Also, the Spring doc version was quite outdated, so an upgrade for that, too.
* Adding the Pageable Example
In order to use `Pageable`, I had to add `spring-data-jpa` dep and H2. Also, the Spring doc version was quite outdated, so an upgrade for that, too.