* BAEL-669 test of an infinite stream
* BAEL-699 example of custom type infinite stream
* BAEL-699 do..while stream way
* BAEL-669 generate stream of random uuids
* rest with spark java
* 4
* Update Application.java
* indentation changes
* spring @requestmapping shortcuts
* removing spring requestmapping and pushing spring-mvc-java
* Joining/Splitting Strings with Java and Stream API
* adding more join/split functionality
* changing package name
* testcase change
* rest with spark java
* 4
* Update Application.java
* indentation changes
* spring @requestmapping shortcuts
* removing spring requestmapping and pushing spring-mvc-java
* Joining/Splitting Strings with Java and Stream API
* adding more join/split functionality
* Modifications to model on Hibernate One to manyTutorial
* Modifications to model on Hibernate One to manyTutorial
* Modifications to model on Hibernate One to manyTutorial
* Simple Genetic Algorithm improvements
* rest with spark java
* 4
* Update Application.java
* indentation changes
* spring @requestmapping shortcuts
* removing spring requestmapping and pushing spring-mvc-java
* Joining/Splitting Strings with Java and Stream API
* Char array to string and string to char array test cases added
* Minor code renames
* Added groupingBy collector unit tests
* Added test case for int summary calculation on grouped results
* Added the grouping by classes to the main source path
* Reverting char array to string test class
* Reverting char array to string test class
* Reverting char array to string test class
* Reverting char array to string test class
* String to char array and char array to String.
* Method change
* Custom ThreadPool In Java 8 Parallel Streams
* Implemented suggested edits from editor.
* Broke long method signature
* Changed primitive type int to long and formula.
* Update wrapper type to Long
* Added "Test" suffix to test class name.
* String to char array and char array to String.
* Method change
* Custom ThreadPool In Java 8 Parallel Streams
* Implemented suggested edits from editor.
* Broke long method signature
* Changed primitive type int to long and formula.
* Update wrapper type to Long
* String to char array and char array to String.
* Method change
* Custom ThreadPool In Java 8 Parallel Streams
* Implemented suggested edits from editor.
* Broke long method signature
* Changed primitive type int to long and formula.
* Update wrapper type to Long