* Solr w Apache SolrJ
* Solr w Apache SolrJ
* updated test names and moved add to @before method
* create apache-solrj module, moved code from spring-data-solr
* More examples for indexing,delete,and query for solrj
* More examples for indexing,delete,and query for solrj
* Jackson Map Serialize/Deserialize
* Jackson Map Serialize/Deserialize
* Jackson version update
* keydeserializer code added
* keydeserializer code added
* Solr w Apache SolrJ
* Solr w Apache SolrJ
* updated test names and moved add to @before method
* create apache-solrj module, moved code from spring-data-solr
* More examples for indexing,delete,and query for solrj
* More examples for indexing,delete,and query for solrj
* Jackson Map Serialize/Deserialize
* Jackson Map Serialize/Deserialize
* Jackson version update
* Solr w Apache SolrJ
* Solr w Apache SolrJ
* updated test names and moved add to @before method
* create apache-solrj module, moved code from spring-data-solr
* More examples for indexing,delete,and query for solrj
* More examples for indexing,delete,and query for solrj
* Jackson Map Serialize/Deserialize
* Jackson Map Serialize/Deserialize
The tested failed in my portuguese language OS because of:
Ter(ça) is Tue(sday)
Movie [imdbId=tt0472043, director=null, actors=[ActorJackson [imdbId=nm2199632, dateOfBirth=Ter set 21 11:00:00 GMT 1982, filmography=[Apocalypto, Beatdown, Wind Walkers]]]]
Movie [imdbId=tt0472043, director=null, actors=[ActorJackson [imdbId=nm2199632, dateOfBirth=Tue Sep 21 11:00:00 GMT 1982, filmography=[Apocalypto, Beatdown, Wind Walkers]]]]
Locale was enforced
* BAEL-19 event inheritance
* BAEL-19 test for json inheritance
* BAEL-19 example event processor
* BAEL-19 do not need json ignore
* BAEL-19 simpler event, example of abstract
* BAEL-19 ignoring superclass property
* BAEL-586 change class event names
* Add NDC and JBoss Logging to the demo application
* NDC for Log4j, Log4j2 and JBoss Logging
* Simplify NDC example by making it a single operation instead of two
* Make NDC example as RestController, Use JBoss Logging only as a logging bridge
* Fix merge conflicts in pull request - log-mdc pom.xml updated
* BAEL-445 Update to Spring security SpEL example
* BAEL-445: Change tabs to spaces in the updated code
* BAEL-245: Add Enum Serialization exmaple
* BAEL-245: Remove the folder jackson/src/test/java/com/baeldung/jackson/dtos/withEnum as the example is not used anymore
* Add more enum serialization examples to align with previous example and prevent build fail
* Add NDC and JBoss Logging to the demo application
* NDC for Log4j, Log4j2 and JBoss Logging
* Simplify NDC example by making it a single operation instead of two
* Make NDC example as RestController, Use JBoss Logging only as a logging bridge
* Fix merge conflicts in pull request - log-mdc pom.xml updated
* BAEL-445 Update to Spring security SpEL example
* BAEL-445: Change tabs to spaces in the updated code
* BAEL-245: Add Enum Serialization exmaple
* BAEL-245: Remove the folder jackson/src/test/java/com/baeldung/jackson/dtos/withEnum as the example is not used anymore