* BAEL-2246: add link back to article
* BAEL-2174: rename core-java-net module to core-java-networking
* BAEL-2174: add link back to article
* BAEL-2363 BAEL-2337 BAEL-1996 BAEL-2277 add links back to articles
* BAEL-2367: add link back to article
* BAEL-2335: add link back to article
* BAEL-2413: add link back to article
* Update README.MD
* BAEL-2577: add link back to article
* BAEL-2490: add link back to article
* BAEL-2471: add link back to article
* BAEL-2583: add link back to article
* BAEL-2738: add link back to article
* BAEL-2711: Add spring-boot-angular module to root pom
* BAEL-2544 BAEL-2711 BAEL-2575 BAEL-2657 Add links back to articles
* BAEL-2736: Add link back to article
* BAEL-2789: Add link back to article
* BAEL-2489: add link back to article
* BAEL-2840: add link back to article
* BAEL-2655: add link back to article
* BAEL-2884: add link back to article
* BAEL-2985: Fix Spring Boot Apps in spring-data-rest module
* BAEL-2898 BAEL-3057 BAEL-3020 add links back to articles
* BAEL-3126 BAEL-2463 README
* BAEL-2989: add README
* BAEL-3149 BAEL-3043 update README
* fixed context dependency issue and added LiveContext notes in persistence-modules/spring-data-couchbase-2 module
* fixed Context tests and added notes for spring-cloud-bus/spring-cloud-config-client module
* Added context test in spring-cloud-data-flow/spring-cloud-data-flow-stream-processing/data-flow-server module, mainly due to incompatible dependencies, plus fixed parent pom path in different modules
* fixed context tests for spring-cloud/spring-cloud-task/springcloudtaskbatch module, renamed ContextLiveTest as IntegrationTest, now configured to run with an H2 embedded instance. Moved the run note to the application
* Added SpringContextLiveTests in persistence-modules/spring-data-mongodb module
* Adds first tutorial examples
* Add packages for XML- and JSON-stuff
* Update CreateJsonVersionedResource.java
* Update CreateJsonVersionedResource.java
* Update CreateXmlDatabase.java
* Update CreateJsonVersionedResource.java
* Add class and minor changes
* Add versioned XML resource example
* Add output when done
* Add exmaple
* Add example
* Add example
* Change to integration tests
* Move to persistence-modules / change class names / BDD test names
* Remove core-api-tutorial folder
* Add test and modify a test
* Add integration test
* Minor cleanup
I fixed some formatting issues as requested since the eclipse formatter
does not support 4 spaces for blocks a 2 for continuations hence it has
to be resolved manually.
Additionally I've applied formatting to the logback.xml file.