* BAEL-2569 : EnvironmentPostProcessor in Spring Boot
* BAEL-2569 add test
* BAEL-2569 update test
* BAEL-2569 refactoring the class PriceCalculationEnvironmentPostProcessor
* BAEL-2569: changes to class PriceCalculationEnvironmentPostProcessor
* BAEL-2569 move code to spring-boot-ops module
* BAEL-2569 : EnvironmentPostProcessor in Spring Boot
* BAEL-2569 add test
* BAEL-2569 update test
* BAEL-2569 refactoring the class PriceCalculationEnvironmentPostProcessor
* BAEL-2569: changes to class PriceCalculationEnvironmentPostProcessor
* [BAEL-2533] formatting json date output in spring boot
* [BAEL-2533] removed unused import
* [BAEL-2533] moved code examples to new module
* [BAEL-2533] clean up - removed code examples from old module
* [BAEL-2533] removed maven wrapper
* BAEL-2246: add link back to article
* BAEL-2174: rename core-java-net module to core-java-networking
* BAEL-2174: add link back to article
* BAEL-2363 BAEL-2337 BAEL-1996 BAEL-2277 add links back to articles
* BAEL-2367: add link back to article
* BAEL-2335: add link back to article
* BAEL-2413: add link back to article
* Update README.MD
* BAEL-2577: add link back to article
* added example code for BAEL-2366
* moved example code for BAEL-2366
* example code for BAEL-1961
* moved example code into integration test
* updated the test assertions
* refactor the spring boot persistence mongodb module
* remove redundant example code
* declared the spring boot persistence module in the root pom
* fixed issue with non-imported file
* added example code for BAEL-2366
* moved example code for BAEL-2366
* example code for BAEL-1961
* moved example code into integration test
* updated the test assertions
* Configured Hiberante 5 correctly
* Configured Git plugin correctly
* Changed hibernate methods to comply with new method naming conventions
* Removed and replaced deprecated properties
* Updated Actuator test to use new response structure
* Using random port in Mongo integration test, to avoid clashing with a potential instance using the mongo default port