#%RAML 1.0 title: API for REST Services used in the RAML tutorials on Baeldung.com documentation: - title: Overview - content: | This document defines the interface for the REST services used in the popular RAML Tutorial series at Baeldung.com. - title: Disclaimer: - content: | All names used in this definition are purely fictional. Any similarities between the names used in this tutorial and those of real persons, whether living or dead, are merely coincidental. - title: Copyright - content: Copyright 2016 by Baeldung.com. All rights reserved. version: v1 protocols: [ HTTPS ] baseUri: http://rest-api.baeldung.com/api/{version} mediaType: application/json securedBy: basicAuth securitySchemes: - basicAuth: description: Each request must contain the headers necessary for basic authentication type: Basic Authentication describedBy: headers: Authorization: description: | Used to send the Base64 encoded "username:password" credentials type: string responses: 401: description: | Unauthorized. Either the provided username and password combination is invalid, or the user is not allowed to access the content provided by the requested URL. types: Foo: !include types/Foo.raml Bar: !include types/Bar.raml Error: !include types/Error.raml resourceTypes: - collection: usage: Use this resourceType to represent a collection of items description: A collection of <<resourcePathName|!uppercamelcase>> get: description: | Get all <<resourcePathName|!uppercamelcase>>, optionally filtered is: [ hasResponseCollection ] post: description: | Create a new <<resourcePathName|!uppercamelcase|!singularize>> is: [ hasRequestItem ] - item: usage: Use this resourceType to represent any single item description: A single <<typeName>> get: description: Get a <<typeName>> by <<resourcePathName>> is: [ hasResponseItem, hasNotFound ] put: description: Update a <<typeName>> by <<resourcePathName>> is: [ hasRequestItem, hasResponseItem, hasNotFound ] delete: description: Delete a <<typeName>> by <<resourcePathName>> is: [ hasNotFound ] responses: 204: traits: - hasRequestItem: body: application/json: type: <<typeName>> - hasResponseItem: responses: 200: body: application/json: type: <<typeName>> example: !include examples/<<typeName>>.json - hasResponseCollection: responses: 200: body: application/json: type: <<typeName>>[] example: !include examples/<<typeName|!pluralize>>.json - hasNotFound: responses: 404: body: application/json: type: Error example: !include examples/Error.json /foos: type: collection typeName: Foo get: queryParameters: name?: string ownerName?: string /{fooId}: type: item typeName: Foo /name/{name}: get: description: List all foos with a certain name typeName: Foo is: [ hasResponseCollection ] /bars: type: collection typeName: Bar /{barId}: type: item typeName: Bar /fooId/{fooId}: get: description: Get all bars for the matching fooId typeName: Bar is: [ hasResponseCollection ]