#Updated at Tue Apr 04 15:04:02 BST 2017 #Tue Apr 04 15:04:02 BST 2017 error_NotFound={0} with identifier ''{1}'' not found. error_NotNull=Required. error_Size=The field must be between {2} and {1} characters long. error_datatables_loading=An error happened while loading list data error_deleting_item=Error deleting selected item. error_deleting_item_with_relationships=To delete the selected item, must delete its related elements before. error_expired_session=Your session has been expired error_export_empty=No data available to generate a report error_invalid_date=Please enter a correct date/time error_invalid_maskValue=Please enter a valid value error_login=Invalid user and password help_login=Enter your login and password info_author=Spring Roo development team info_closed_session=Log out correctly info_delete_batch_confirm=Are you sure want to delete the selected items? info_delete_item_confirm=Are you sure want to delete this item? info_deleted_item_problem=Error deleting item info_deleted_items_batch=Deleted items info_deleted_items_number=Deleted items {0} info_description=Spring Roo, a next-generation rapid application development tool for Java developers. With Roo you can easily build full Java applications in minutes. info_error=An unexpected error has occurred info_homepage_header=With Roo you can easily build full Java applications in minutes. info_homepage_paragraph=Spring Roo is a next-generation rapid application development tool for Java developers.\nIt focuses on higher productivity, stock-standard Java APIs, high usability, avoiding engineering trade-offs and \nfacilitating easy Roo removal. info_homepage_project=Hello, this is your home page. info_homepage_thanks=Thanks for your interest in Spring Roo\! info_no_deleted_item=No deleted item. info_no_exist_item=Item doesn't exist. info_security_login=You tried to access a restricted area of our application. By default, you can log in with info_select_an_option=Select an option info_spring_code=Known, modify and redistribute the source code. info_spring_documentation=If you are looking for Reference Documentation you can get it here. info_spring_site=All the info about Spring Roo development. info_spring_support=If you have any question about the project, \nyou can check it. info_twitter=As always, you can find us also on label_accessibility=Accessibility label_accessibility_alt=Level Double-A conformance, W3C WAI Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 label_accessibility_lead=Accessibility policy application label_accessibility_text=

Spring Roo Application is committed to ensuring the accessibility of its web content to people with disabilities. All of the content on our website will meet W3C WAI's Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0, Level AA conformance. Any issues should be reported to springroo@disid.com.

The technologies that is depended to access the accessible content are HTML, CSS and Javascript.

label_accessibility_title=Explanation of WCAG 2.0 Level Double-A Conformance label_actions=Actions label_add_entity=Add {0} label_back=Back label_book=Book label_book_author=Author label_book_id=Id label_book_isbn=Isbn label_book_iterable_to_add_cant_be_null_message=I T E R A B L E_ T O_ A D D_ C A N T_ B E_ N U L L_ M E S S A G E label_book_iterable_to_remove_cant_be_null_message=I T E R A B L E_ T O_ R E M O V E_ C A N T_ B E_ N U L L_ M E S S A G E label_book_plural=Books label_book_title=Title label_book_version=Version label_change_password=Change password label_close=Close label_code=Code label_concurrency_apply=Apply my changes anyway label_concurrency_apply_info=(discard all the changes applied by the other users). label_concurrency_discard=Discard all my changes and reload this record. label_concurrency_title=Warning\! This record has been updated by another user. label_contact=Contact label_create=Create label_create_entity=Create {0} label_data_entity={0} data label_datatables_add=Add label_datatables_columns=Columns label_datatables_decimal=. label_datatables_delete=Delete label_datatables_emptyTable=No data available in table label_datatables_first=First label_datatables_info=Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries label_datatables_infoEmpty=Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries label_datatables_infoFiltered=(filtered from _MAX_ total entries) label_datatables_infoPostFix= label_datatables_last=Last label_datatables_lengthMenu=Show _MENU_ entries label_datatables_loadingRecords=Loading... label_datatables_loading_error=An error happened while loading list data label_datatables_next=Next label_datatables_previous=Previous label_datatables_processing=Processing... label_datatables_search=Search\: label_datatables_selectedRow=1 selected row label_datatables_selectedRows=%d selected rows label_datatables_showRows=Show %d rows label_datatables_sortAscending=\: activate to sort column ascending label_datatables_sortDescending=\: activate to sort column descending label_datatables_thousands= label_datatables_zeroRecords=No matching records found label_delete=Delete label_delete_entity=Delete {0} label_documentation=Doc label_edit=Edit label_edit_entity=Edit {0} label_edit_search=Edit search label_entities_found={0} found label_error=Error label_errorpage=Error page label_errorpage_header=\u00C2\u00A1Error\! label_exit=Exit label_export_empty_error=Empty report label_filtered_by=Filtered By label_goBack=Go Back label_goEdit=Go to the editing page label_goHome=Go to homepage label_gotoGithub=Go to Spring Roo page in GitHub label_gotoLanguage=Display website in label_gotowebsite=Go to Spring Roo website label_help=Help label_inputmask_groupSeparator=, label_inputmask_prefix=$ label_inputmask_radixPoint=. label_inputmask_suffix= label_last_access=Last Access {0} label_list_entity=List {0} label_list_of_entity=List of {0} label_login=Login label_login_password=Password label_login_username=User label_logout=Log out label_menu_entry={0} label_message=Message label_not_filtered=Not Filtered label_owasp_alt=Application developed and tested with OWASP label_owasp_title=Application developed and tested with OWASP - Web Application Security Project label_profile=Admin Profile label_projectpage=Project Page label_requiredfield=Required field label_reset=Cancel label_save=Save label_search=Search label_search_entity={0} searcher label_show=Show label_show_entity={0} card label_spring_documentation=Spring Roo reference documentation label_spring_site=Spring Roo project site label_spring_sourcecode=Spring Roo source code label_spring_support=Spring Roo Stackoverflow support label_submit=Accept label_support=Support label_tools=Tools label_user=User language_label=Languages language_label_en=English language_label_es=Spanish welcome_label=Welcome