#%RAML 1.0 title: Baeldung Foo REST Services API version: v1 protocols: [ HTTPS ] baseUri: http://rest-api.baeldung.com/api/{version} mediaType: application/json securedBy: basicAuth securitySchemes: - basicAuth: description: Each request must contain the headers necessary for basic authentication type: Basic Authentication describedBy: headers: Authorization: description: Used to send the Base64 encoded "username:password" credentials type: string responses: 401: description: | Unauthorized. Either the provided username and password combination is invalid, or the user is not allowed to access the content provided by the requested URL. types: Foo: !include types/Foo.raml Error: !include types/Error.raml /foos: get: description: List all Foos matching query criteria, if provided; otherwise list all Foos queryParameters: name?: string ownerName?: string responses: 200: body: application/json: type: Foo[] example: !include examples/Foos.json post: description: Create a new Foo body: application/json: type: Foo example: !include examples/Foo.json responses: 201: body: application/json: type: Foo example: !include examples/Foo.json /{id}: get: description: Get a Foo by id responses: 200: body: application/json: type: Foo example: !include examples/Foo.json 404: body: application/json: type: Error example: !include examples/Error.json put: description: Update a Foo by id body: application/json: type: Foo example: !include examples/Foo.json responses: 200: body: application/json: type: Foo example: !include examples/Foo.json 404: body: application/json: type: Error example: !include examples/Error.json delete: description: Delete a Foo by id responses: 204: 404: body: application/json: type: Error example: !include examples/Error.json /name/{name}: get: description: List all Foos with a certain name responses: 200: body: application/json: type: Foo[] example: !include examples/Foos.json