#%RAML 1.0 Library # This is the file /libraries/resourceTypes.raml usage: This library defines the resource types for the API uses: myTraits: !include traits.raml resourceTypes: collection: usage: Use this resourceType to represent a collection of items description: A collection of <> get: description: | Get all <>, optionally filtered is: [ myTraits.hasResponseCollection ] post: description: | Create a new <> is: [ myTraits.hasRequestItem ] item: usage: Use this resourceType to represent any single item description: A single <> get: description: | Get a <> by <>Id is: [ myTraits.hasResponseItem, myTraits.hasNotFound ] put: description: | Update a <> by <>Id is: [ myTraits.hasRequestItem, myTraits.hasResponseItem, myTraits.hasNotFound ] delete: description: | Delete a <> by <>Id is: [ myTraits.hasNotFound ] responses: 204: