## Related resources There's more to data integration than what is covered here. You can continue to explore Spring messaging and integration with the following resources. ### Getting Started guides * [Integrating Data][gs-integration] * [Messaging with JMS][gs-messaging-jms] * [Messaging with RabbitMQ][gs-messaging-rabbitmq] * [Messaging with Redis][gs-messaging-redis] [gs-integration]: /guides/gs/integration/ [gs-messaging-jms]: /guides/gs/messaging-jms/ [gs-messaging-rabbitmq]: /guides/gs/messaging-rabbitmq/ [gs-messaging-redis]: /guides/gs/messaging-redis/ ### Tutorials * [Designing and Implementing RESTful Web Services with Spring][tut-rest] * [Designing and Implementing a Web Application with Spring][tut-web] [tut-rest]: /guides/tutorials/rest [tut-web]: /guides/tutorials/web ### Concepts and technologies * [REST][u-rest] * [JSON][u-json] [u-rest]: /understanding/REST [u-json]: /understanding/JSON