**UPDATE**: The price of "Learn Spring Security OAuth" will permanently change on the 11th of December, along with the upcoming OAuth2 material: http://bit.ly/github-lss CWIKI.US ============================== 我们专注于开源信息的分享和文档的更新,并根据需求提供定制和软件开发咨询服务。
**[>> 访问 CWIKI.US](https://www.cwiki.us/)** The Courses ============================== Here's the new "Learn Spring" course:
**[>> LEARN SPRING - THE MASTER CLASS](https://www.baeldung.com/learn-spring-course?utm_source=github&utm_medium=social&utm_content=tutorials&utm_campaign=ls#master-class)** Here's the Master Class of "REST With Spring" (along with the new announced Boot 2 material):
**[>> THE REST WITH SPRING - MASTER CLASS](https://www.baeldung.com/rest-with-spring-course?utm_source=github&utm_medium=social&utm_content=tutorials&utm_campaign=rws#master-class)** And here's the Master Class of "Learn Spring Security":
**[>> LEARN SPRING SECURITY - MASTER CLASS](https://www.baeldung.com/learn-spring-security-course?utm_source=github&utm_medium=social&utm_content=tutorials&utm_campaign=lss#master-class)** Java and Spring Tutorials ================ This project is **a collection of small and focused tutorials** - each covering a single and well defined area of development in the Java ecosystem. A strong focus of these is, of course, the Spring Framework - Spring, Spring Boot and Spring Security. In additional to Spring, the modules here are covering a number of aspects in Java. 构建(build)项目 ==================== 如果你希望运行一个完整的构建(build),请运行命令:`mvn clean install` 构建(Building)一个单独模块(module) ==================== 如果你希望构建一个特定的模块(module)的话,请在模块目录中运行命令:`mvn clean install` 运行一个 Spring Boot 模块 ==================== 如果你希望运行一个 Spring Boot 模块(module)请在模块目录中(module directory)运行命令: `mvn spring-boot:run` 与 IDE 协同进行工作 ==================== 本仓库中包含有大量的模块。 When you're working with an individual module, there's no need to import all of them (or build all of them) - you can simply import that particular module in either Eclipse or IntelliJ. 运行测试 ============= 运行 `mvn clean install` 将会在模块中运行单元测试(unit tests)。 如果你希望运行整合测试(integration tests),请使用命令 `mvn clean install -Pintegration-lite-first`