import org.apache.ivy.util.url.* import import org.gradle.api.tasks.Copy import java.nio.file.* import org.gradle.internal.logging.text.StyledTextOutputFactory; import static org.gradle.internal.logging.text.StyledTextOutput.Style; buildscript { repositories { mavenLocal() mavenCentral() jcenter() } dependencies { classpath "org.apache.ivy:ivy:${project.ivyVersion}" } } apply plugin: "" def tomcatDirectory = "${buildDir}/apache-tomcat-${tomcatVersion}" project.ext."tomcatDirectory" = tomcatDirectory def explodedDir="${buildDir}/cas" def explodedResourcesDir="${buildDir}/cas-resources" def resourceJarName = "cas-server-webapp-resources" task copyCasConfiguration(type: Copy, group: "build", description: "Copy the CAS configuration from this project to /etc/cas/config") { from "etc/cas/config" into new File('/etc/cas/config').absolutePath doFirst { new File('/etc/cas/config').mkdirs() } } task explodeWarOnly(type: Copy, group: "build", description: "Explodes the CAS web application archive") { dependsOn 'build' from zipTree("build/libs/${casWebApplicationBinaryName}") into explodedDir } task explodeWar(type: Copy, group: "build", description: "Explodes the CAS archive and resources jar from the CAS web application archive") { dependsOn explodeWarOnly from zipTree("${explodedDir}/WEB-INF/lib/${resourceJarName}-${casServerVersion}.jar") into explodedResourcesDir } task run(group: "build", description: "Run the CAS web application in embedded container mode") { dependsOn 'build' doLast { def casRunArgs = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList("-server -noverify -Xmx2048M -XX:+TieredCompilation -XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1".split(" "))) if (project.hasProperty('args')) { casRunArgs.addAll(project.args.split('\\s+')) } javaexec { main = "-jar" jvmArgs = casRunArgs args = ["build/libs/${casWebApplicationBinaryName}"] "Started ${commandLine}" } } } task setExecutable(group: "build", description: "Configure the project to run in executable mode") { doFirst { project.setProperty("executable", "true") "Configuring the project as executable" } } task executable(type:Exec, group: "build", description: "Run the CAS web application in standalone executable mode") { dependsOn setExecutable, 'build' doFirst { workingDir "." if (!Os.isFamily(Os.FAMILY_WINDOWS)) { commandLine "chmod", "+x", bootWar.archivePath } "Running ${bootWar.archivePath}" commandLine bootWar.archivePath } } task debug(group: "build", description: "Debug the CAS web application in embedded mode on port 5005") { dependsOn 'build' doLast { "Debugging process is started in a suspended state, listening on port 5005." def casArgs = Arrays.asList("-Xmx2048M".split(" ")) javaexec { main = "-jar" jvmArgs = casArgs debug = true args = ["build/libs/${casWebApplicationBinaryName}"] "Started ${commandLine}" } } } task downloadShell(group: "shell", description: "Download CAS shell jar from snapshot or release maven repo") { doFirst { mkdir "${project.shellDir}" } doLast { def downloadFile if (isRunningCasServerSnapshot(casServerVersion)) { def snapshotDir = "${casServerVersion}/" def files = new ApacheURLLister().listFiles(new URL(snapshotDir)) files = files.sort{it.path} files.each { if (it.path.endsWith(".jar")) { downloadFile = it } } } else { downloadFile = "${casServerVersion}/cas-server-support-shell-${casServerVersion}.jar" } "Downloading file: ${downloadFile}" download { src downloadFile dest new File("${project.shellDir}", "cas-server-support-shell-${casServerVersion}.jar") overwrite false } } } task runShell(group: "shell", description: "Run the CAS shell") { dependsOn downloadShell doLast { println "Run the following command to launch the shell:\n\tjava -jar ${project.shellDir}/cas-server-support-shell-${casServerVersion}.jar" } } task debugShell(group: "shell", description: "Run the CAS shell with debug options, wait for debugger on port 5005") { dependsOn downloadShell doLast { println """ Run the following command to launch the shell:\n\t java -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=5000,server=y,suspend=y -jar ${project.shellDir}/cas-server-support-shell-${casServerVersion}.jar """ } } task showConfiguration(group: "build", description: "Show configurations for each dependency, etc") { doLast() { def cfg = project.hasProperty("configuration") ?"configuration") : "compile" configurations.getByName(cfg).each { println it } } } task allDependenciesInsight(group: "build", type: DependencyInsightReportTask, description: "Produce insight information for all dependencies") {} task allDependencies(group: "build", type: DependencyReportTask, description: "Display a graph of all project dependencies") {} task casVersion (group: "build", description: "Display the current CAS version") { doFirst { def verbose = project.hasProperty("verbose") && Boolean.valueOf(project.getProperty("verbose")) if (verbose) { def out = services.get(StyledTextOutputFactory).create("CAS") println "******************************************************************" out.withStyle(Style.Info).println "Apereo CAS $casServerVersion" out.withStyle(Style.Description).println "Enterprise Single SignOn for all earthlings and beyond" out.withStyle(Style.SuccessHeader).println "- GitHub: " out.withStyle(Style.Success).println "" out.withStyle(Style.SuccessHeader).println "- Docs: " out.withStyle(Style.Success).println "" out.withStyle(Style.SuccessHeader).println "- Blog: " out.withStyle(Style.Success).println "" println "******************************************************************" } else { println casServerVersion } } } task createKeystore(group: "build", description: "Create CAS keystore") { doFirst { mkdir "/etc/cas" def keystorePath = "/etc/cas/thekeystore" def dn = ",OU=Example,OU=Org,C=US" if (project.hasProperty("certificateDn")) { dn = project.getProperty("certificateDn") } def subjectAltName = ",dns:localhost,ip:" if (project.hasProperty("certificateSubAltName")) { subjectAltName = project.getProperty("certificateSubAltName") } // this will fail if thekeystore exists and has cert with cas alias already (so delete if you want to recreate) "Generating keystore for CAS with DN ${dn}" exec { workingDir "." commandLine "keytool", "-genkeypair", "-alias", "cas", "-keyalg", "RSA", "-keypass", "changeit", "-storepass", "changeit", "-keystore", keystorePath, "-dname", dn, "-ext", "SAN=${subjectAltName}" } "Exporting cert from keystore..." exec { workingDir "." commandLine "keytool", "-exportcert", "-alias", "cas", "-storepass", "changeit", "-keystore", keystorePath, "-file", "/etc/cas/cas.cer" } "Import /etc/cas/cas.cer into your Java truststore (JAVA_HOME/lib/security/cacerts)" } } task listTemplateViews (group: "build", description: "List all CAS views") { dependsOn explodeWar doFirst { fileTree(explodedResourcesDir).matching { include "**/*.html" } .collect { } .toSorted() .each { println it } } } task getResource(group: "build", description: "Fetch a CAS resource and move it into the overlay") { dependsOn explodeWar doFirst { def resourceName = project.getProperty("resourceName") def results = fileTree(explodedResourcesDir).matching { include "**/${resourceName}.*" } if (results.isEmpty()) { println "No resources could be found matching ${resourceName}" return } if (results.size() > 1) { println "Multiple resources found matching ${resourceName}: ${results}" return } def fromFile = explodedResourcesDir def resourcesDir = "src/main/resources" mkdir resourcesDir def resourceFile = results[0].canonicalPath def toResourceFile = resourceFile.replace(fromFile, resourcesDir) def parent = file(toResourceFile).getParent() mkdir parent Files.copy(Paths.get(resourceFile), Paths.get(toResourceFile), StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING) println "Copied file ${resourceFile} to ${toResourceFile}" } } def isRunningCasServerSnapshot(casServerVersion) { return "${casServerVersion}".contains("-SNAPSHOT") }