#!/bin/bash function copy() { echo -e "Creating configuration directory under /etc/cas" mkdir -p /etc/cas/config echo -e "Copying configuration files from etc/cas to /etc/cas" cp -rfv etc/cas/* /etc/cas } function help() { echo "Usage: build.sh [copy|clean|package|run|debug|bootrun|gencert]" echo " copy: Copy config from ./etc/cas/config to /etc/cas/config" echo " clean: Clean Maven build directory" echo " package: Clean and build CAS war" echo " run: Build and run cas.war via Java (i.e. java -jar target/cas.war)" echo " runalone: Build and run cas.war on its own as a standalone executable (target/cas.war)" echo " debug: Run CAS.war and listen for Java debugger on port 5000" echo " bootrun: Run with maven spring boot plugin" echo " listviews: List all CAS views that ship with the web application and can be customized in the overlay" echo " getview: Ask for a view name to be included in the overlay for customizations" echo " gencert: Create keystore with SSL certificate in location where CAS looks by default" echo " cli: Run the CAS command line shell and pass commands" } function clean() { shift ./mvnw clean "$@" } function package() { shift ./mvnw clean package -T 5 "$@" # copy } function bootrun() { shift ./mvnw clean package spring-boot:run -P bootiful -T 5 "$@" } function debug() { package && java -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=5000,server=y,suspend=n -jar target/cas.war } function run() { package && java -jar target/cas.war } function runalone() { shift ./mvnw clean package -P default,exec "$@" chmod +x target/cas.war target/cas.war } function listviews() { shift explodeapp find $PWD/target/cas -type f -name "*.html" | xargs -n 1 basename | sort | more } function explodeapp() { if [ ! -d $PWD/target/cas ];then echo "Building the CAS web application and exploding the final war file..." ./mvnw clean package war:exploded "$@" fi echo "Exploded the CAS web application file." } function getview() { shift explodeapp echo "Searching for view name $@..." results=`find $PWD/target/cas -type f -name "*.html" | grep -i "$@"` echo -e "Found view(s): \n$results" count=`wc -w <<< "$results"` if [ "$count" -eq 1 ];then # echo "Found view $results to include in the overlay" firststring="target/cas/WEB-INF/classes" secondstring="src/main/resources" overlayfile=`echo "${results/$firststring/$secondstring}"` overlaypath=`dirname "${overlayfile}"` # echo "Overlay file is $overlayfile to be created at $overlaypath" mkdir -p $overlaypath cp $results $overlaypath echo "Created view at $overlayfile" ls $overlayfile else echo "More than one view file is found. Narrow down the search query..." fi } function gencert() { if [[ ! -d /etc/cas ]] ; then copy fi which keytool if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] ; then echo Error: Java JDK \'keytool\' is not installed or is not in the path exit 1 fi # override DNAME and CERT_SUBJ_ALT_NAMES before calling or use dummy values DNAME="${DNAME:-CN=cas.example.org,OU=Example,OU=Org,C=US}" CERT_SUBJ_ALT_NAMES="${CERT_SUBJ_ALT_NAMES:-dns:example.org,dns:localhost,ip:}" echo "Generating keystore for CAS with DN ${DNAME}" keytool -genkeypair -alias cas -keyalg RSA -keypass changeit -storepass changeit -keystore /etc/cas/thekeystore -dname ${DNAME} -ext SAN=${CERT_SUBJ_ALT_NAMES} keytool -exportcert -alias cas -storepass changeit -keystore /etc/cas/thekeystore -file /etc/cas/cas.cer } function cli() { CAS_VERSION=$(./mvnw -q -Dexec.executable="echo" -Dexec.args='${cas.version}' --non-recursive org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:1.3.1:exec 2>/dev/null) # echo "CAS version: $CAS_VERSION" JAR_FILE_NAME="cas-server-support-shell-${CAS_VERSION}.jar" # echo "JAR name: $JAR_FILE_NAME" JAR_PATH="org/apereo/cas/cas-server-support-shell/${CAS_VERSION}/${JAR_FILE_NAME}" # echo "JAR path: $JAR_PATH" JAR_FILE_LOCAL="$HOME/.m2/repository/$JAR_PATH"; # echo "Local JAR file path: $JAR_FILE_LOCAL"; if [ -f "$JAR_FILE_LOCAL" ]; then # echo "Using JAR file locally at $JAR_FILE_LOCAL" java -jar $JAR_FILE_LOCAL "$@" exit 0; fi DOWNLOAD_DIR=./target COMMAND_FILE="${DOWNLOAD_DIR}/${JAR_FILE_NAME}" if [ ! -f "$COMMAND_FILE" ]; then mkdir -p $DOWNLOAD_DIR ./mvnw org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:3.0.2:get -DgroupId=org.apereo.cas -DartifactId=cas-server-support-shell -Dversion=$CAS_VERSION -Dpackaging=jar -DartifactItem.outputDirectory=$DOWNLOAD_DIR -DremoteRepositories=central::default::http://repo1.maven.apache.org/maven2,snapshots::::https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots -Dtransitive=false ./mvnw org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:3.0.2:copy -Dmdep.useBaseVersion=true -Dartifact=org.apereo.cas:cas-server-support-shell:$CAS_VERSION:jar -DoutputDirectory=$DOWNLOAD_DIR fi java -jar $COMMAND_FILE "$@" exit 0; } if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then echo -e "No commands provided. Defaulting to [run]\n" run exit 0 fi case "$1" in "copy") copy ;; "clean") shift clean "$@" ;; "package") shift package "$@" ;; "bootrun") shift bootrun "$@" ;; "debug") debug "$@" ;; "run") run "$@" ;; "runalone") runalone "$@" ;; "listviews") listviews "$@" ;; "gencert") gencert "$@" ;; "getview") getview "$@" ;; "cli") shift cli "$@" ;; *) help ;; esac