OSGi ==== Info --- com.baeldung.osgi com.baeldung.osgi.sample.activator Apache Felix --- ### Start Download Apache Felix Framework Distribution from <https://felix.apache.org/downloads.cgi> org.apache.felix.main.distribution-5.6.8 No! The Apache Karaf container is best. Download it from: <https://karaf.apache.org/download.html> Download a binary distribution and unzip wherever you prefer. Then run bin\karaf.bat start Unzip, pay attention to the files not being clipped(!). system:exit exit! shutdown -h or `^D` ### clean start full clean, remove "data directory " or... bin\karaf.bat clean bin\start.bat clean ### run mode can be launched in - the "regular" mode starts Apache Karaf in foreground, including the shell console. - the "server" mode starts Apache Karaf in foreground, without the shell console. - the "background" mode starts Apache Karaf in background. ### Logging https://karaf.apache.org/manual/latest/#_log can be logged to console ### Bundle deploy bundle:install mvn:com.baeldung/osgi-intro-sample-activator/1.0-SNAPSHOT install mvn:com.baeldung/osgi-intro-sample-service/1.0-SNAPSHOT install mvn:com.baeldung/osgi-intro-sample-client/1.0-SNAPSHOT Eclipse's Equinox ==== Eclipse's OSGi platform http://www.eclipse.org/equinox/ http://www.eclipse.org/equinox/documents/quickstart-framework.php click on "download" Latest Release Oxygen.1 Wed, 6 Sep 2017 -- 17:00 (-0400) org.eclipse.osgi_3.12.1.v20170821-1548.jar = = NOT GOOD = = ## Relevant articles: - [Introduction to OSGi](http://www.baeldung.com/osgi)