* abh.swar@gmail.com: Code check-in for article on Spring WebFlux 1. EmailWebClient is the client that subscribes to the data from WebFlux server 2. EmailGenerator generates one email per second randomly 3. EmailHandler and EmailRouter deal with handling of request of the subscriber 4. Email is the POJO for data transmitted by the server * Code check-on for (http://jira.baeldung.com/browse/BAEL-1897) How to increment a Date by one day - Added code and test to increment date by one day using java 8 and joda-time - Added joda-time 2.10 dependency in pom.xml * Revert "abh.swar@gmail.com: Code check-in for article on Spring WebFlux 1. EmailWebClient is the client that subscribes to the data from WebFlux server 2. EmailGenerator generates one email per second randomly 3. EmailHandler and EmailRouter deal with handling of request of the subscriber 4. Email is the POJO for data transmitted by the server" This reverts commit 6254ad9 * Code check-on for (http://jira.baeldung.com/browse/BAEL-1897) How to increment a Date by one day - Added code and test to increment date by one day using java.util.Calendar and ApacheCommons and unit tests for it - Used properties for ${joda.version} - Formatted the code using IntelliJ formatter - Renamed DateIncrementerTest to DateIncrementerUnitTest - Changed test method names to follow _given_when_then convention * Code check-on for (http://jira.baeldung.com/browse/BAEL-1897) How to increment a Date by one day - Removed unnecessary comment * Code check-on for (http://jira.baeldung.com/browse/BAEL-1897) How to increment a Date by one day - Corrected the order of parameters of assertEquals() method
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