* BAEL-5246: round 1 of pom cleanup - upto "jersey" project * BAEL-5246: Initial pass for pom cleanup - upto spring-cloud * BAEL-5246: pom cleanup upto testing-modules/junit5 * BAEL-5246: pom cleanup - upto xstream * BAEL-5246: pom cleanup - last round (before review)
REST Example Project Query Language
The "REST With Spring" Classes: http://bit.ly/restwithspring
The "Learn Spring Security" Classes: http://github.learnspringsecurity.com
Relevant Articles:
- REST Query Language with Spring and JPA Criteria
- REST Query Language with Spring Data JPA Specifications
- REST Query Language with Spring Data JPA and QueryDSL
- REST Query Language – Advanced Search Operations
- REST Query Language with RSQL
- REST Query Language – Implementing OR Operation
Build the Project
mvn clean install
Set up MySQL
mysql -u root -p
> CREATE USER 'tutorialuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'tutorialmy5ql';
> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'tutorialuser'@'localhost';