* refactor: Reorder tests without lambda Moves inner implementations of Answer and ArgumentMatcher to the top of the test classes. Also changes the lambda expression to a regular "pre java 8" expression in one of the tests. Resolves: BAEL-632 * feat: Create basic Monolithic JHipster project Commit just after creating a JHipster project, before making any modifications. Resolves: BAEL-137 * chore: Change the artifactId and name of the project From baeldung to jhipster-monolithic and JHipster Monolithic Application Relates to: BAEL-137 * feat: Create entities Post and Comment Relates to: BAEL-137 * feat: Fix Gatling configuration in pom.xml Relates to: BAEL-137 * feat: Add files for Continuous Integration Relates to: BAEL-137 * feat: Change pom.xml to conform to Baeldung standards - moved the <properties> element to the bottom of the file - excluded integration tests in the default surefire configuration - added a new profile, called integration, and added the integration tests there - added Java 8 in the <source> and <target> tags, under maven-compiler solves: BAEL-137 * chore: Add jhipster module to parent pom
113 lines
3.7 KiB
113 lines
3.7 KiB
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