* Solr w Apache SolrJ * Solr w Apache SolrJ * updated test names and moved add to @before method * create apache-solrj module, moved code from spring-data-solr * More examples for indexing,delete,and query for solrj * More examples for indexing,delete,and query for solrj * Jackson Map Serialize/Deserialize * Jackson Map Serialize/Deserialize * Jackson version update * keydeserializer code added * keydeserializer code added * remove explicit types from map instantion
Jackson Cookbooks and Examples
###The Course The "REST With Spring" Classes: http://bit.ly/restwithspring
Relevant Articles:
- Jackson Ignore Properties on Marshalling
- Jackson – Unmarshall to Collection/Array
- Jackson Unmarshalling json with Unknown Properties
- Jackson – Custom Serializer
- Jackson – Custom Deserializer
- Jackson Exceptions – Problems and Solutions
- Jackson Date
- Jackson – Bidirectional Relationships
- Jackson JSON Tutorial
- Jackson – Working with Maps and nulls
- Jackson – Decide What Fields Get Serialized/Deserializaed
- A Guide to Jackson Annotations
- Working with Tree Model Nodes in Jackson
- Jackson vs Gson
- Intro to the Jackson ObjectMapper
- XML Serialization and Deserialization with Jackson
- More Jackson Annotations
- Inheritance with Jackson
- Guide to @JsonFormat in Jackson
- A Guide to Optional with Jackson