* [BAEL-2284] Sample project * [BAEL-2284] Sample project * [BAEL-2284] Sample code adjustments * [BAEL-2284] Sample code adjustments * [BAEL-2284] Sample code adjustments * [BAEL-2284] Add README
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== Vault server bootstrap
1. Run vaul-start in one shell
2. Open another shell and execute the command below:
> vault operator init
Unseal Key 1: Iwvpd4IVofhcmQ2HEIPs5HMUbz4tz6JhqmLZ6+1MhAPx
Unseal Key 2: ANQDXUFGGtLtt6grX25YsdmeKELhM/ioKWzwFukJIe2f
Unseal Key 3: 8MHyzFnOvlwVQzdWYJ3BIN4xPDOn8a4VemZ/Qe5HgurU
Unseal Key 4: ywT9YR9OfxIpA4l1RniNNCvSZWAuNZsAEFRyD7aqFOrp
Unseal Key 5: q1c7M+lnlT72jGLoCH+jjri6KGSBhc5lCzlT0I1R9URU
Initial Root Token: dee7107a-8819-0719-62a3-cea3ea854589
== Admin token setup
1. Set the VAULT_TOKEN environment variable with the root token value
export VAULT_TOKEN=d341fdaf-1cf9-936a-3c38-cf5eec94b5c0 (Linux)
set VAULT_TOKEN=d341fdaf-1cf9-936a-3c38-cf5eec94b5c0 (Windows)
2. Create another admin token
>vault token create -display-name=admin
Key Value
--- -----
token 3779c3ca-9f5e-1d8f-3842-efa96d88de43 <=== this is the new root token
token_accessor 2dfa4031-973b-cf88-c749-ee6f520ecaea
token_duration ∞
token_renewable false
token_policies ["root"]
identity_policies []
policies ["root"]
3. Create ~/.vault-secret with your root token
4. Unset the VAULT_TOKEN environment variable !
=== Test DB setup (MySQL only, for now)
1. Create test db
2. Create admin account used to create dynamic accounts:
create schema fakebank;
create user 'fakebank-admin'@'%' identified by 'Sup&rSecre7!'
grant all privileges on fakebank.* to 'fakebank-admin'@'%' with grant option;
grant create user on *.* to 'fakebank-admin' with grant option;
flush privileges;
=== Database secret backend setup
> vault secrets enable database
==== Create db configuration
> vault write database/config/mysql-fakebank ^
plugin_name=mysql-legacy-database-plugin ^
connection_url="{{username}}:{{password}}@tcp(" ^
allowed_roles="*" ^
username="fakebank-admin" ^
==== Create roles
> vault write database/roles/fakebank-accounts-ro ^
db_name=mysql-fakebank ^
creation_statements="CREATE USER '{{name}}'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '{{password}}';GRANT SELECT ON fakebank.* TO '{{name}}'@'%';" ^
default_ttl="1h" ^
> vault write database/roles/fakebank-accounts-rw ^
db_name=mysql-fakebank ^
creation_statements="CREATE USER '{{name}}'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '{{password}}';GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE ON fakebank.* TO '{{name}}'@'%';" ^
default_ttl="5m" ^
=== Get credentials
> vault read database/creds/fakebank-accounts-rw