* Different types of bean injection in Spring * Difference between two dates in java * Update README.md * Simple clean of difference between dates * Clean my test article * Improve dates diff: for dates and datetimes * Move difference between dates from core-java to libraries * BAEL-890 - Kotlin-Allopen with Spring example * BAEL-1107 - Introduction to Apache Cayenne Orm * BAEL-1107: update formating and version of libs * BAEL-1107: update properties of Author * BAEL-1157: Apache Cayenne - Advanced Querying * BAEL-1157: Fix imports * BAEL-1157: code indentation * BAEL-1157: Update list of author names * BAEL-132: Configure Jenkins to Run and Show Jmeter Tests * Removed submodule spring-jmeter-jenkins * Commit again spring-jmeter-jenkins
BASIC CRUD API with Spring Boot
This is the code of a simple API for some CRUD operations realised for a seminar at FGI using Spring Boot.
- API: The online version is/will be hosted here: https://fgi-tcheck.herokuapp.com
- Mobile version is also opensource and located here: https://github.com/valdesekamdem/tcheck-mobile
Currently Implemented
- Student
- Validations of input with: Spring Data Rest Validators
- Maven
- JDK 8
- MongoDB
To build and start the server simply type
$ mvn clean install
$ mvn spring-boot:run -Dserver.port=8989
Available CRUD
You can see what crud operation are available using curl:
$ curl localhost:8080
You can view existing student objects with this command:
$ curl localhost:8080/students
Or create a new one via a POST:
$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{ "firstName" : "Dassi", "lastName" : "Orleando", "phoneNumber": "+237 545454545", "email": "mymail@yahoo.fr" }' localhost:8080/students
Now with default configurations it will be available at: http://localhost:8080
Enjoy it :)