- Added "name" in pom.xml whereever it was missing and aligned the present ones with the artifactid and foldername
The Module Holds Sources for the Following Articles
Quick Intro to Spring Cloud Configuration
Spring Cloud Config is Spring’s client/server approach for storing and serving distributed configurations across multiple applications and environments.
In this write-up, we’ll focus on an example of how to setup a Git-backed config server, use it in a simple REST application server and setup a secure environment including encrypted property values.
Introduction to Spring Cloud Netflix – Eureka
In this article, we’ll introduce client-side service discovery via “Spring Cloud Netflix Eureka“.
Client-side service discovery allows services to find and communicate with each other without hardcoding hostname and port. The only ‘fixed point’ in such an architecture consists of a service registry with which each service has to register.
Relevant Articles:
- Intro to Spring Cloud Netflix - Hystrix
- Dockerizing a Spring Boot Application
- Introduction to Spring Cloud Rest Client with Netflix Ribbon
- A Quick Guide to Spring Cloud Consul
- An Introduction to Spring Cloud Zookeeper
- Using a Spring Cloud App Starter
- Spring Cloud Connectors and Heroku
- An Example of Load Balancing with Zuul and Eureka
- An Intro to Spring Cloud Contract
- Using a Spring Cloud App Starter
- Instance Profile Credentials using Spring Cloud
- An Intro to Spring Cloud Security
- An Intro to Spring Cloud Task
- Running Spring Boot Applications With Minikube
- Introduction to Netflix Archaius with Spring Cloud
- An Intro to Spring Cloud Vault
- Netflix Archaius with Various Database Configurations
- Rate Limiting in Spring Cloud Netflix Zuul