amit2103 86cebe51d7 Bael 5926 (#4023)
* Added parent module on poms that have no parent defined

* Removed dependency reduced pom from undertow module

* Aligned and Defined the common plugins in the parents

* Removed dependency-reduced-pom.xml from undertow module

* Reverting test fail modules with surefire testFailureIgnore ture

* Reverted wrong push with org.hsqldb
2018-04-18 08:04:50 +02:00
2018-04-18 08:04:50 +02:00

Spring Cloud AWS

Running the Integration Tests

To run the Integration Tests, we need to have an AWS account and have API keys generated for programmatic access. Edit the file to add the following properties:

To test automatic DataSource creation from RDS instance, we also need to create an RDS instance in the AWS account. Let's say that the RDS instance is called spring-cloud-test-db having the master password se3retpass, then we need to write the following in

Multiple application classes are available under this project. To launch InstanceProfileAwsApplication application, replace start-class under pom.xml:
