Spring Boot REST
This module contains articles about Spring Boot RESTful APIs.
Relevant Articles
- HATEOAS for a Spring REST Service
- Versioning a REST API
- ETags for REST with Spring
- Testing REST with multiple MIME types
- Testing Web APIs with Postman Collections
- Spring Boot Consuming and Producing JSON
- Error Handling for REST with Spring
These articles are part of the Spring REST E-book:
- Bootstrap a Web Application with Spring 5
- Build a REST API with Spring and Java Config
- Http Message Converters with the Spring Framework
- Spring’s RequestBody and ResponseBody Annotations
- Entity To DTO Conversion for a Spring REST API
- Error Handling for REST with Spring
- REST API Discoverability and HATEOAS
- An Intro to Spring HATEOAS
- REST Pagination in Spring
- Test a REST API with Java