* Add NDC and JBoss Logging to the demo application * NDC for Log4j, Log4j2 and JBoss Logging * Simplify NDC example by making it a single operation instead of two * Make NDC example as RestController, Use JBoss Logging only as a logging bridge * Fix merge conflicts in pull request - log-mdc pom.xml updated * BAEL-445 Update to Spring security SpEL example * BAEL-445: Change tabs to spaces in the updated code * BAEL-245: Add Enum Serialization exmaple * BAEL-245: Remove the folder jackson/src/test/java/com/baeldung/jackson/dtos/withEnum as the example is not used anymore
Jackson Cookbooks and Examples
###The Course The "REST With Spring" Classes: http://bit.ly/restwithspring
Relevant Articles:
- Jackson Ignore Properties on Marshalling
- Jackson – Unmarshall to Collection/Array
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- Jackson – Custom Serializer
- Jackson – Custom Deserializer
- Jackson Exceptions – Problems and Solutions
- Jackson Date
- Jackson – Bidirectional Relationships
- Jackson JSON Tutorial
- Jackson – Working with Maps and nulls
- Jackson – Decide What Fields Get Serialized/Deserializaed
- A Guide to Jackson Annotations
- Working with Tree Model Nodes in Jackson
- Jackson vs Gson
- Intro to the Jackson ObjectMapper
- XML Serialization and Deserialization with Jackson
- More Jackson Annotations
- Inheritance with Jackson
- Guide to @JsonFormat in Jackson