* BAEL-1814 Guide to Spring Webflux -Added files for Employee reactive application -Updated pom.xml for Spring Security * BAEL-1814 Guide to Spring Webflux -Added EmployeeControllerTest -Updated method name in EmployeeController and corrected secured url in EmployeeWebSecurityConfig * BAEL-1814 Guide to spring webflux -Fixed security config, now only specific url prompts for authentication and not all endpoints -Removed @WithMockUser as it is not needed now * BAEL-1814 Guide To Webflux -Feedback incorporation * BAEL-1814 Spring Webflux Guide -Formatted coded for EmployeeWebSocketHandler. * Update and rename EmployeeControllerTest.java to EmployeeControllerUnitTest.java * BAEL-1814 Guide to spring webflux -Fixed EmployeeControllerUnitTest.java
Spring REST Example Project
The Course
The "REST With Spring" Classes: http://bit.ly/restwithspring
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