* BAEL-748 quick guide to @Value * BAEL-748 changes from review * BAEL-748 inject comma-separated values into array * BAEL-768 Introduction to Netty * BAEL-768 remove commented code * BAEL-861 Introduction to Awaitility * BAEL-861 rename Test to UnitTest * BAEL-1041 Introduction in Caffeine * BAEL-1041 fix test * BAEL-1041 fix formatting * BAEL-1041 fix expected/actual order * BAEL-1041 remove trailing underscore * Formatting after merge * BAEL-1041 add spaces between data and assertions * BAEL-1041 soft values example * BAEL-1041 remove duplicate dependency * BAEL-1041 formatting fix * BAEL-1041 formatting fix * BAEL-1041 use logger instead of sout
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The libraries module contains examples related to small libraries that are relatively easy to use and does not require any separate module of its own.
The code examples related to different libraries should go in a new package.
Remember, for advanced libraries like JUnit, Jackson, etc. we already have separate modules. Please make sure to have a look at the existing modules in such cases.