* Evaluation article: Different Types of Bean Injection in Spring * added tests & changed configuration to Java-based config * removed xml config files * rename unit tests * BAEL-972 - Apache Commons Text * remove code from evaluation article * remove code from evaluation article * BAEL-972 - Apache Commons Text - added another example * BAEL-972 - Apache Commons Text - just indentation * BAEL-994 - TemporalAdjuster in Java * BAEL-994 - TemporalAdjuster in Java * BAEL-994 - TemporalAdjuster in Java * BAEL-994 - TemporalAdjuster in Java * BAEL-994 - TemporalAdjuster in Java - fix problems * BAEL-1033 Introduction to StreamUtils * BAEL-1033 Introduction to StreamUtils * BAEL-1033 Introduction to StreamUtils * fix formatting * BAEL-1033 minor refactor * BAEL-1035 Introduction to Eclipse Collections * format * BAEL-1035 Introduction to Eclipse Collections * BAEL-1035 Introduction to Eclipse Collections * BAEL-1035 Introduction to Eclipse Collections * cleanup * cleanup * BAEL-1109 Introduction to JCache * BAEL-1109 Introduction to JCache * remove unneeded property in pom.xml * fix formatting * close cache instances properly * remove latest commit * BAEL-1057 Introduction to rxjava-jdbc * refactor rxjava-jdbc * Refactor rxjava-jdbc * Refactoring rxjava-jdbc * BAEL-1171 java.lang.String API * refactor rxjava-jdbc * refactor String * String API - move multiple classes into a single class * move class into test package * BAEL-1171 String.lang.String API * BAEL-1171 java.lang.String API * BAEL-1250 Initializing Arrays in Java * BAEL-1250 Initializing Arrays in Java * BAEL-1250 Initializing Arrays in Java * small fix * BAEL-1171 java.lang.String API * BAEL-1263 Daemon Threads in Java * merge with fork * BAEL-1263 Daemon Threads in Java * fix compilation error * BAEL-1309 Append Data to a File with Java * fix build fails * fix test error * fix build failures * cleanup * fix Sneaky Runnable test * revert sneaky runnable fix attempt * fix test failure * fix test failure * fix all test failures * fix test failure * fix test failures * Nested Classes in Java
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