* BAEL-5246: round 1 of pom cleanup - upto "jersey" project * BAEL-5246: Initial pass for pom cleanup - upto spring-cloud * BAEL-5246: pom cleanup upto testing-modules/junit5 * BAEL-5246: pom cleanup - upto xstream * BAEL-5246: pom cleanup - last round (before review)
The Module Holds Sources for the Following Articles
Module property-exp-default-config
This module contains both a standard Maven Spring Boot build and the Gradle build which is Maven compatible.
In order to execute the Maven example, run the following command:
mvn spring-boot:run
To execute the Gradle example:
gradle bootRun
Module property-exp-custom-config
This project is not using the standard Spring Boot parent and is configured manually. Run the following command:
mvn exec:java