* Code for Dependency Injection Article. * Added Java based configuration. Downloaded formatter.xml and reformatted all changed files. Manually changed tab into 4 spaces in XML configuration files. * BAEL-434 - Spring Roo project files generated by Spring Roo. No formatting applied. Added POM, java and resources folders. * Moved project from roo to spring-roo folder. * BAEL-838 Initial code showing how to remove last char - helper class and tests. * BAEL-838 Corrected Helper class and associated empty string test case. Added StringUtils.substing tests. * BAEL-838 Refromatted code using formatter.xml. Added Assert.assertEquals import. Renamed test to follow convention. Reordered tests. * BAEL-838 - Added regex method and updated tests. * BAEL-838 Added new line examples. * BAEL-838 Renamed RemoveLastChar class to StringHelper and added Java8 examples. Refactord code. * BAEL-838 Changed method names * BAEL-838 Tiny change to keep code consistant. Return null or empty. * BAEL-838 Removed unresolved conflict. * BAEL-821 New class that shows different rounding techniques. Updated POM. * BAEL-821 - Added unit test for different round methods. * BAEL-821 Changed test method name to follow the convention * BAEL-821 Added more test and updated round methods. * BAEL-837 - initial commit. A few examples of adding doubles. * BAEL-837 - Couple of smaller changes * BAEL-837 - Added jUnit test. * BAEL-579 Updated Spring Cloud Version I was getting error: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.springframework.cloud.config.environment.Environment After version update, all is okay. * BAEL-579 Added actuator to Cloud Config Client. * BAEL-579 Enabled cloud bus and updated dependencies. * BAEL-579 Config Client using Spring Cloud Bus. * BAEL-579 Recreated Basic Config Server. * BAEL-579 Recreated Config Client. * BAEL-579 Removed test Git URL. * BAEL-579 Added Actuator to Config Client * BAEL-579 Added Spring Cloud Bus to Client. * BAEL-579 Server changes for Spring Cloud Bus Added dependencies and removed git.clone-on-start as this was causing server to throw errors after git properties change. * BAEL-579 Removed Git URL. * Revert "BAEL-579 Updated Spring Cloud Version" This reverts commit f775bf91e53a1ecfb9b70596688d7c8202bf495f. * Revert "BAEL-579 Config Client using Spring Cloud Bus." This reverts commit 1d96bc5761994a33af9a7a9aa5ab68604a5b44dc. * Revert "BAEL-579 Enabled cloud bus and updated dependencies." This reverts commit 7845da922d89d53506dd0fff387ea13694c50bc1. * Revert "BAEL-579 Added actuator to Cloud Config Client." This reverts commit 076657a26a57e0aa676989a4d97966a3b9d53e1c. * BAEL-579 Added missing dependency versions. * BAEL-579 Added missing dependency versions. * Updated gitignore * BAEL-1065 Simple performance check StringBuffer vs StringBuilder. * BAEL-1065 Added JMH benchmarks
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